Mustafa Jemilev: «State Budget of Ukraine 2013 has to Provide at Least $50 Millions hryvnias for Resettlement of Crimean Tatars»

To the President of Ukraine
Yanukovych V.F.
Dear Viktor Fedorovych
The Article “Resettlement of Crimean Tatars and persons belonging to other nationalities that were deported from the territory of Ukraine” of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine 2013”, submitted to the consideration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the Council of Ministers of Ukraine provides only 10 millions 928 thousand hryvnias, including 5 millions hryvnias for the capital expenses and 5 millions 928 thousand hryvnias for social and cultural events.
At the same time, in conditions of chronically scanty financing of the corresponding events for the recent years Crimea accumulated a lot of issues, relating to the resettlement of Crimean Tatars, returning to their Homeland from exile.
Thus, of 300 Crimean settlements only 65% have central water system, 30% gas, 87% electricity. Almost every Crimean Tatar has no roads, sewage system, schools, kindergartens, medical facilities, etc.
Consequently, such approach of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine in the existing situation is very irresponsible, not to say cynical one.
As the Draft State Budget of Ukraine was already approved in the first reading I ask you, as the guarantee of the human rights and citizen’s rights to give the corresponding orders to the Council of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the execution of its own previous decisions, in particular, the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine № 514 of June 6, 2012 “On prolongation of the Program of the resettlement of the deported Crimean Tatars and persons, belonging to other nationalities, returning to the permanent residence to Ukraine, their adaptation and integration into the Ukrainian society for the period until 2010”.
In compliance with the mentioned Decision of the Government of Ukraine the State Budget of Ukraine 2013 has to provide at least 50 million hryvnias.
Member of the Parliament of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev