Mustafa Jemilev: My Letter to Prime Minister of Turkey Mr Recep Erdogan Published in Milli Firka Website Is a Fake

28 May 2013
Mustafa Jemilev: My Letter to Prime Minister of Turkey Mr Recep Erdogan Published in Milli Firka Website Is a Fake

The letter #251-03 of November 18, 2012, addressed to the Prime Minister of Turkey Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan allegedly written by the Head of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev that was published in Milli Firka website is a fake.

“The material presented as the official letter on Mejlis blank in fact was a fake. At the same time many things that the authors of the fake letter were trying to present like “sensation” in fact aren’t true,”- Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev stated.

The Head of Mejlis also pointed at a range of points that uncovered the attempt to provoke a scandal, as well as the numerous mistakes made during the preparation of the fake letter.

“Mejlis Secretariat has been using the new form of Mejlis’ blanks long ago. There is no letter in the records of Mejlis’ outgoing correspondence corresponding to the date and issue number indicated in the fake letter. Moreover, on November 13, 2012 the letter # 251-01 on land issue, signed by the member of the Land Commission of the Council of Ministers of AR Crimea, my assistant and advisor Mr Zevdzhet Qurtumerov, was sent to the Head of Molodezhny settlement Mr Basenko,”- M Jemilev confirmed.

According to M.Jemilev the fake letter published on the website of the public organization opposing Mejlis was written with the gross mistakes and wrong positions and names both of the Head of Turkish Government and Mejlis Head.

“The fake has the issue number and date typed, but Mejlis Secretariat has it handwritten,”- M.Jemilev continued. “After reading the text one has an impression that the authors of the fake did the machine translation into Turkish language,”- M.Jemilev concluded.

Mejlis Head also informed that one of his last letters to the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Erdogan was dated September 13, 2012 # 225-03/01.

“This letter was written and handed by me personally to the Head of Turkish Government on September 13, 2012 in Yalta at the official meeting of Mejlis administration with the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan,”- M Jemilev specified. “The letter #225-03/1 of September 13, 2012, contained the list of issues relating to the implementation of a range of cultural and social programs in Crimea, including construction of the national schools and housing for the repatriates, broadening of the material and technical basis of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University and construction of Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque) in Aqmescit (Simferopol)”.