Mustafa Jemilev Met with New Head of Association «Alraid» Bassil Mareei

On March 27, 2012 the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Jemilev met with the Head of Ukrainian Association of public organizations “Alraid” Bassil Mareei in the office of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people.
The guest was accompanied by the Commissioner of the Islamic Development Bank, Dr. Ismail Kadi and the Head of the Crimean branch of the Ukrainian Association of public organizations “Alraid”, Dr. Mohamad Taha.
The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Remzi Ilyasov, Head of the Department of foreign relations, Ali Hamzin and the Head of the Department of education and culture of Mejlis, Safure Kadzhametova.
Addressing the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Jemilev the Head of Association “Alraid”, Bassil Mareei said: “The Association “Alraid” appreciates the cooperation between Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in the humanitarian sphere and states about its readiness to cooperate in carrying out of various projects in the peninsular in the future, aimed at the revival and preserving of the language, cultural and religious distinctiveness of Crimean Tatars, strengthening peace and neighborliness in Crimean society”.
The representatives of Alraid underscored that implementing numerous projects in educational, charitable, informative and other fields they are guided with the principles of openness before the Ukrainian society, promotion to the development of the dialogue between different religions and strengthening of the tolerance between the followers of different religions, preserving Islamic distinctiveness of Ukrainian citizens, practicing Islam.
As is known, one of the brightest examples of the successful activity of Alraid became the implementation in 2011 of the project “Strengthening of the material and technical basis of schools in Crimean Tatar language of education”. Under the aegis of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and with the financial support of the Islamic Development Bank the associations – partners Alraid and Maarifchi completed the pilot second tranche of the project that gave 16 Crimean Tatar schools new rooms and classes, equipped with training equipment and visual aids. Some schools were also repaired.
The representatives of Association “Alraid” and Islamic Development Bank states about their readiness to implement the third tranche of the project, aimed at strengthening of the material and technical basis of pre-school facilities that have groups with Crimean Tatar language of education and training, as well as the schools with bilingual education. In addition, the educational and informative projects are to be continued, letting Crimean residents learn the cultural and spiritual values of the Crimean Tatar people.
The participants of the meeting exchanged opinions on public and religious life of Ukraine and Crimean peninsular, giving the special attention to the activity of Muslim communities, their relations with Ukrainian authorities. At this, the representatives of the Association Alraid noted that the activity of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Crimea and Mufti of Muslims of Crimea hajji Emirali Ablaev, aimed at mutual cooperation and understanding of all Muslims of Ukraine, receives broad support among the Muslim organizations of Ukraine.
The parties also expressed their regret that the destructive actions of the self-proclaimed “mufti of Muslims of Ukraine” Ahmad Tamim, openly opposing the spiritual and organizational unity of Muslims of Ukraine and promoting the spreading of pseudo-Islamic schools in the territory of Ukraine are the reason of the split and discord of a certain part of Ummah of Ukraine.
“In this respect we repeatedly informed the Ukrainian authorities and came down with both feet against the actions of the self-proclaimed “mufti of Muslims of Ukraine” Ahmad Tamim who, representing his sect, at the same time challenges the legitimacy of the real Muslim organizations in Ukraine,”- the Head of Association Alraid Bassil Mareei stated.
The participants of the meeting noted that “one of most effective steps towards the strengthening of trust and elimination of the negative stereotypes about the Islamic world and Islamic values in the Ukrainian society could be the associated membership of Ukraine in the Organization of the Islamic Conference”.
The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine, Mustafa Jemilev informed the guests about his initiative – to establish the department of cooperation with the Islamic countries at the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Ukraine. “I think that creation of such structure would strengthen Ukraine’s positions in the Islamic world and let it increase sufficiently its many-sided cooperation with many countries and international organizations of the Islamic world,” – Mustafa Jemilev said.
Ukrainian Association of public organizations “Alraid” is a non-profitable organization, dealing with cultural – educational and charitable activity, providing assistance to the citizens of Ukraine, irrespective of their religious and racial belonging.
Goals of Alraid’s activity:
– spreading of all-human values of good and merci, humanity and justice, healthy way of life and tolerance, education of full-fledged individual;
– holding of the charitable actions, providing social assistance to those in need, medical care;
– educational work among youth;
– cultural and educational activity.
Embodying elective principle of supervising bodies, on December, 17-18th, 2011, at the tenth conference of organizations-members of the AUASO “Аlraid” by open voting of the delegates, the new chairman of the Association and the head of the revision committee for the next four years were elected. Bassil Mareei became the new chairman of the AUASO “Alraid”; and Sayran Arifov was elected as the head of the revision committee.