Mustafa Jemilev Met With Czech Dissidents in Mejlis

01 April 2013
Mustafa Jemilev Met With Czech Dissidents in Mejlis

On April 1, 2013 the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev met with the well-known Czechdissidents Przhi Navotny, the former advisor of the Czech President Vatslav Havel and Pavel Robichek that visited Crimea along with their spouses Marta Navotny and Yarmila Robichek.

The meeting was also attended by the political advisor of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Ukraine Lubash Vesely. Mejlis was represented by the Head of the Department of foreign relations Ali Hamzin and Head of the Secretariat Zair Smedlyaev.

“I’ve came to Crimea for the first time and I was always interested in the history of Ukraine, as well as Crimean Tatars, and I’m very happy that now I have the opportunity to meet with such legendary personality in the Soviet human rights advocacy movement as you,” – Przhi Navotny said, addressing Mustafa Jemilev.

During the meeting the parties exchanged opinions on the political situation in Ukraine and Crimea. Mustafa Jemilev drew attention to the complex situation in the peninsular as the authorities take actions to split Crimean Tatars. Curiously enough, they prefer building relations with such Crimean Tatar organizations that have no authority among Crimean Tatars and that openly addressed the Russian leaders during the war between Russia and Georgia in August 2008 to save Crimean Tatar people from Ukrainian genocide.

However, despite all these and other complex processes in Ukraine the Ukrainian society sees establishment of the comprehension of itself as part of Europe. The special emphasize was made that the Crimean Tatar people are true supporters of Ukraine’s integration to the European Union. “We wish that Ukraine became a part of the European Union,”- Mustafa Jemilev said.

During the meeting its participants touched the issue of the elections of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people. The Czech guests were interested in the election process and its participants. They noted the democratic nature of this process that gives all grounds considering Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people its representative body.

Mustafa Jemilev noted that grounding on the democratic values and principles is an inalterable principle of the Crimean Tatar national movement that back in the hard Communist period had democratic and human rights advocacy nature. Today the Qurultay-Mejlis system builds the elections of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people of the 6th convocation on this very basis. They will be direct and secret. “The results of these elections and everything that related to this process will be determined only by the electors – Crimean Tatars and members of their family – Ukrainian citizens,”- Mustafa Jemilev said.

In conclusion Przhi Navotny expressed Mustafa Jemilev his deepest gratitude for the meeting, noting that the Crimean Tatar people are fighting for freedom that is the main value of the national movement.