Mustafa Jemilev in Live Broadcast «MizMizlar» on ATR TV Channel

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev in live broadcast “Mizmizlar” on ATR TV channel told about the political situation in Ukraine, the coming session of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people and answered many other hosts’ questions.
Thus, Mustafa Jemilev revealed the backroom games of some political forces in the Parliament of Ukraine around the Draft Law “On the Restoration of the Rights of Citizens, Deported on the Ethnic Grounds” he registered in the VR. “I’ve removed it from the agenda several times, because the coalition was not ready to vote for it. The draft law had to be considered at the end of April, but its reading was postponed until May 15-18, because BYT blocked the tribune”.
Answering the question of the host of the Program, Osman Pashaev “What do you think of the opposition?” – Mustafa Jemilev answered: “Opposition is always required, because it is a sound criticism and suggestions that organize Mejlis’ work, but opposition has to be constructive”.