
Mustafa Jemilev: In Case Crimean Authorities Plan to Initiate Clashes with Crimean Tatars «They Are on Right Track»

23 March 2014
Mustafa Jemilev: In Case Crimean Authorities Plan to Initiate Clashes with Crimean Tatars «They Are on Right Track»

MP of Ukraine, Ex-Chairman of the Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev has criticized on the decision of the Crimean authorities to create a “black list” of MPs who banned from visiting Crimea.

According to Mr Jemilev’s interview to TV Channel “Inter” on March 23, 2014, such decisions to his opinion do not come from the President of Russia, but from the local authorities that try to take revenge to MPs who votes for dissolution of the Crimean Parliament.

“Those who are on top of the Crimean power are extremely dull. They can’t think a few moves ahead. I don’t think that the decisions to ban someone from visiting Crimea come from Mr Putin. His experts are wise enough,”- Mr Jemilev said.

He also noted that the possible ban from visiting Crimea encouraged him.

“I will be there anyway,”- the leader of the Crimean Tatars assured.

The MP noted that if the Crimean authorities plan to initiate clashes with the Crimean Tatars “they are on right track”.

In his interview to “Inter” Mr Jemilev informed that since March 9 2014 around one thousand people have been left Crimea.

“They are mainly women and children among the Crimean Tatars. Men prefer to stay in Crimea,”- he said.