Mustafa Jemilev: I Believe that Crimean Tatar People Will Benefit from Mr Vozgrin’s Four-Volume Work

14 August 2013
Mustafa Jemilev: I Believe that Crimean Tatar People Will Benefit from Mr Vozgrin’s Four-Volume Work

On August 14, 2013 the official presentation of the long awaited and valuable book – four-volume work, titled “History of Crimean Tatars” wrote by the Russian historian Mr Valery Vozgrin was held in Aqmescit. The book covers the period since the ancient times up to the 40-es of the 20th century. It includes the author’s research materials, archive documents, essays of the foreign historians and many more.

Mustafa Jemilev, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mr Refat Chubarov, President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars, numerous friends and Mr Vozgrin’s team-mates, as well as the representatives of the Crimean Tatar community, veterans of the Crimean Tatar National Movement, members of the Mejlis, Crimean politicians, historians and journalists came to congratulate Mr Valery Vozgrin with publication of such fundamental work.

“A lot of things happened in the history of the Crimean Tatars for the past centuries. A lot of things were written during these years about our people, mainly lies, especially during the imperial and Soviet periods. Today we are present at the presentation of this deep and worthy work about our Crimean Tatar people. Dear friends, the author of this book started studying this issue back in 1978 and became well-known and popular among the Crimean Tatars in 1992 when he published his book, titled “Historical Destinies of Crimean Tatars”. He started his new book titled “History of Crimean Tatars” 20 years ago and today we saw it,”- Mr Jemilev said.

Mejlis Head underscored that the book was published mainly due to the great support of the Crimean Tatar entrepreneurs. It will reveal the truth over many facts about the indigenous people of Crimea that were perverted for this long period.

The sponsors that supported the publication of Volery Vozgrin’s book – Mr Emil Aliev, entrepreneur and Mr Lenur Islyamov, founder of the Crimean Tatar TV channel ATR were also present the presentation.

The Mejlis Head also added that Mr Vozgrin’s book will undoubtedly raise the discussion and even disputes, especially among the ill-wishers who will try to find the facts that to their opinion do not correspond to reality. “But, I hope that many would understand this book correctly and understand that they were wrong. I’m sure that our people will benefit from this four-volume work,”- M.Jemilev underscored.

As a gesture of thanks Mejlis Head presented Mr Vozgrin the traditional Crimean Tatar man’s hat – qalpaq and personally took it on Mr Vozgrin’s head.

In his turn Mr Refat Chubarov, First Vice Chairman of the Mejlis noted that no fundamental research comes from nothing.

“When the author of the research is one person it is first of all his work, his vision, his evaluation, but nevertheless, he processed and absorbed everything that was done before him. I would like that we recall all well-known and unknown writers who spread the history of their people,”- Mr Refat Chubarov said.

Refat Chubarov underscored that for the last 7-8 years a whole series of the researches and historical memoirs appeared in Crimea. “I know that after publication of this book there will be new discussions. These discussions will be also among those who do not accept our history. Maybe these discussions also will be in among our nationals who want to understand their history.”

The author of the book Professor Valery Vozgrin also expressed his gratitude to his guests.

“Dear nationals, dear friends! I’m very worrying now speaking here. First of all I’d like to tell you what my work was based on – these were my predecessors, not only historians – researchers, but also publishers who published books. Second – archives. My constant contacts with my compatriots had great importance in writing my book. I met many old people in late 80-es and early 90-es who could tell me a lot about the pre-war history of Crimea. As the member of the Mejlis I used to travel a lot with a list of 20-22 questions. Every time I asked them to my companions and today this archive was given to the Mejlis,”- Mr Vozgrin said.

He also thanked everyone who supported him and everyone whom he met. “I always felt friendly support of the Crimean Tatar people especially the direct eyewitnesses of Stalin’s deportation their desire to reveal the truth to the historical facts and injustice. These were very important sources that helped me,”- Mr Vozgrin said. The author expressed his gratitude separately to his friend, Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev, editors of the Crimean Tatar newspapers and sponsors who helped him publishing the four-volume work – Mr Lenur Islyamov and Mr Emil Eliev.

After the official part of the presentation Mr Vozgrin spoke with people. In conclusion every one who was present in the presentation obtained his book signed by the author.