Mustafa Jemilev Has Denied Information Spread in Mass Media About Possible Termination of His Political Career

“The thing didn’t come about the termination of my political activity or giving up politics,”- M.Jemilev said, answering the journalists’ questions during his celebration of Kurban Bayram, in Balaklavskaya massive in Simferopol on November 8, 2011.
“Unlike my previous statement, that wasn’t new, – Mr. Jemilev continued. In particular, that I will not nominate myself to the coming elections of the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. And the present delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people of the 5thconvocation promised to support my decision on the next session of the national convention”.
At the same time, Mejlis’ leader M.Jemilev confirmed that he will make all efforts and will help new Chairman of Mejlis in his activity if necessary. At this, Mr. Jemilev is not going to give up his political and human rights advocacy activity, and of coarse he will continue his activity in the national Crimean Tatar movement. “I’m going to continue to stand up for my political creed and interests of the Crimean Tatar people in the future,”- he confirmed.
M.Jemilev also stated that he believes it is true and necessary for a newly elected Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people to run for the MPs of Ukraine and delegates of Qurultay will support this decision.
“In the framework of a wide range of problems of our people, particularly, in the political-legal sphere, it is especially significant for us to have our MPs in the legislative body of Ukraine, nominated by Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people and desirably more than we have today,” – Mr. Jemilev stressed.
The leader of Mejlis also answered the question “whom the Crimean Tatar people and its representative body will support on the coming elections of MPs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine”. Mustafa Jemilev once again reminded that the final decision will be adopted by the delegates of Qurultay. “Today Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people negotiate with many participants of the political process of Ukraine. The talks are held concerning the joint participation in the electoral campaign of 2012,”- Mr. Jemilev specified.