
Ms Astrid Thors, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Concerned About Situation in Crimea

05 March 2014
Ms Astrid Thors, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Concerned About Situation in Crimea

She stated this during her meeting with the Chairman of the Mejlis Refat Chubarov.

On March 5, 2014, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People met with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Ms Astrid Thors in Simferopol.

The main goal of Ms Thors’ visit to Ukraine was a very tense situation in Crimea. Refat Chubarov answered a broad range of High Commissioner’s questions concerning the recent events in Crimea, and also expressed the Mejlis’ position based on the use of the diplomatic channels aimed at settling the crisis and preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine as an independent and sovereign state.

The High Commissioner underscored that she appreciate the efforts of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People aimed at preserving peace among all Crimean citizens while expressing her deep concern about the development of the situation in Crimea, the illegal presence of armed soldiers at the entrance of Crimea and foreign military vehicles on the streets of the peninsular, seized state objects, including blocked military units and bases, as well as a high level of fear and psychological tension among the peaceful population of the peninsular.

Ms Astrid Thors also assured that she will use a whole spectrum of diplomatic solutions of the OSCE aimed at easing the tension in the peninsular and seeking the ways out of this crisis.