Mr. Tigipko Promised to Review Program on Resettlement of Crimean Tatars

10 October 2011
Mr. Tigipko Promised to Review Program on Resettlement of Crimean Tatars

Mr. Tigipko is to establish the expert-consultative group that will consider all the provisions of the Program of settling and resettlement of the deported Crimean Tatars and peoples of other nationalities up to 2015 for its further adoption.

According to Press center of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea it was announced by the Chairman of VR ARC Permanent Commission on the interethnic relations and problems of the deported citizens Remzi Ilyasov during the meeting with the representatives of Crimean national-cultural societies.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in ARC Ibraim Mamutov, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on interethnic relations and deported citizens Emine Avamileva.

The main topic of the meeting was the discussion of the draft Concept of ensuring the consent and ethnic-cultural diversity in the autonomy.

Opening the meeting, the Head of the profile parliamentary commission R.Ilyasov informed the audience about his meeting with the Vice-Prime Minister – Minister of the Social Policy of Ukraine Sergey Tigipko.

According to R.Ilyasov, the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the problems of financing of the resettlement of the deported Crimean Tatars and peoples, belonging to other nationalities.

The Head of the profile commission noted that during the meeting he also drew the Vice-Prime Minister’s attention to the fact that during the development of the state budget for the next year the interests of the republic were not fully considered, particularly in financing of the programs of resettlement of the deported citizens in the territory of the autonomy. He also added that the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine 2011” provided around 23,3 million UAH for settling and resettlement of the deported citizens. In this connection on December 22, 2010 and May 18, 2011 the members of the Supreme Council of AR Crimea adopted the appeals to the President of Ukraine, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Prime Minister of Ukraine concerning the extension of the Program up to 2015 and increasing of the state financing in the current year at least up to 87 million UAH for the construction of housing and social infrastructure in Crimean Tatar settlements.

According to R.Ilyasov, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the autonomy Vladimir Konstantinov also raised the question of allocation of the target financing for 2012 at the consultative-advisory council on local self-governance of the Chairman of VR of Ukraine Vladimir Litvin where the Speaker of the Crimean Parliament participated, as well as during the presentation of the draft State budget for 2012, provided by the Minister of finances of Ukraine Fedor Yaroshenko.

The question of adoption of the State Program of settling and resettlement of the deported Crimean Tatars and persons of other nationalities up to 2015 was also raised at the meeting with S.Tigipko. While discussing this question S.Tigipko assured the Chairman of the profile parliamentary commission that he will take all the questions raised here under his personal control. In addition, the Vice Prime Minister is to establish the expert-consultative group to consider all provisions of the Program of settling and resettlement of the deported Crimean Tatars and peoples of other nationalities up to 2015 for its further adoption.

In addition, R.Ilyasov noted the persistent and fruitful work made by the Chairman of the Rescomnats of ARC Eduard Dudakov in the structures of the central bodies of power concerning the issues of opening of financing in the current year and draft plan for 2012.

The Deputy Chairman of Rescomnats of Crimea E.Avamileva presented the draft Concept of ensuring the interethnic consent and cultural diversity if the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the audience.

During the discussion the participants of the meeting made their comments on this document and made a range of proposals on its improvement.