Mr Refat Chubarov: We Will Have to Return to Budget of ARC and Solution of those Pressing Problems that People just Won’t Let Us Forget

22 January 2014
Mr Refat Chubarov: We Will Have to Return to Budget of ARC and Solution of those Pressing Problems that People just Won’t Let Us Forget

Mr Refat Chubarov, Head of the faction “Qurultay-Rukh” in VR ACR, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People criticized on the draft budget of the autonomy. Mr Refat Chubarov said this on the special session of the Verkhovna Rada of ARC on January 22, 2014.

Mr Refat Chubarov in particular was indignant at allocation of millions of Hryvnas for the formation of the image of Crimea and “information support” while the Crimean Tatar settlements and regions remain without facilities, lack preschool education in Crimean Tatar language.

 “Once again, the MPs of the Crimean Parliament received such important or maybe even the main document as budget that we have to consider during our activity just half day before the session. I had no possibility to analyze the balance of all incomes and expenses, as well as you. But, of coarse I couldn’t help noting that this budget reflects the interests of these or those groups that represented in the administration of Crimea. It is clear that all this grounded on the care about the population… Look at the sums allocated for the administration in Crimea. Look at the sums allocated for the solution of the glaring pressing problems. Compare them and many things will become clear to you…”- Mr Chubarov said.

By the example of two Crimean Tatar micro districts – Ismail Bey in Yevpatoria and Beloe-5 in Simferopol, the Head of the Mejlis, MP of VR ARC Mr Refat Chubarov once again drew attention of the representatives of the republican bodies to the critical situation with the Crimean Tatar schools, settlements, micro districts that lack the basic facilities and human conditions.

“One week ago I was in the school that located in Ismail-Bey micro district in Yevpatoria. Many of you were there, including a lot of vice prime ministers. As almost all schools with education in Crimean Tatar language they were built and adapted to some premises. This school was not an exception. There was the suspended construction that was transformed into a school. After that, new premises were built there due to various sponsors, including the foreign ones that now more likely will be referred to as the foreign agents. It happened so that it requires 1,6 million Hryvnas in order to reduce everything to the common rules and demands, including safety of children. We didn’t find money for this…

I don’t want to describe such cases in details, but I want to say that is it shame to realize one’s wishes in such situation. We have hundreds of such problems in many areas that did not only relate to the Crimean Tatars. Why should we allocate 5 millions Hryvnas to the Republican Committee on Information for forming and promotion of the positive image of Crimea? The positive image of Crimea is formed here. It is the wellbeing of Crimea, interrelations between people in different languages, cultures, instead those films, billboards and loud performances. It is just the way to laundry money. Give these 5 millions to schools!

Let’s consider this issue at the next session… The events on the improvement of the information support of the population… Have we a lack of media? I don’t want to show off this or that field, in particular the Crimean Tatar one, but our life demands this. Today we don’t have a single state pre-school institution with Crimean Tatar language of education. It is not easy. The Ministry of Education ignores this problem…

Look, it looks so great: the events related to the scientific activity. Here we have that ruse in brackets: including the expenses for publication of the scientific works about the history of Crimea – 799000 Hryvnas. The group of historians that wrote these works long ago lobbied this issue. Do we lack the contradicting publications about the history of Crimea? I understand that many speeches that do not agree, saying, with the particular line, and remain just mere words. I think that we will have to return to the budget of ARC, including the solution of those pressing problems that people just won’t let us forget,”- the MP of ARC Mr Refat Chubarov was indignant at.