
Mr Nariman Jelyal: «Ametkhan Sultan Is One of Our Most Well-Known and Well-Deserved Heroes»

01 February 2014
Mr Nariman Jelyal: «Ametkhan Sultan Is One of Our Most Well-Known and Well-Deserved Heroes»

On February 1, 2014, the 5th Republican youth Kuresh competition timed to the anniversary of death of Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored test pilot Mr Ametkhan Sultan was held in Buyuk-Onlar settlement. The organizer of the competition is Crimean Federation of National Wrestling “Kuresh”.

In the framework of the competition held in the House of culture of Buyuk-Onlar settlement the exhibition dedicated to Ametkhan Sultan was organized. Despite the cold weather the memorial plate to the test pilot was opened in the neighborhood settlement Alabash-Konrat.

Mr Nariman Jelyal, Vice Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mr Dilyaver Akiev, Head of the Secretariat of the Mejlis, Mr Seydamet Yagyaev, Head of the Board of sport and youth policy of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Ms Gulnara Bekirova, member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mr Vasily Grabovan, Head of the settlement and Mr Rustem Bekirov, Head of Amursk settlement council attended the competition.

In his speech Mr Nariman Jelyal greeted the wrestlers and all present on behalf of the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mr Refat Chubarov.

“We know that Ametkhan Sultan is one of the most well-known and well-deserved hero. However I think that there are a lot of heroes among the Crimean Tatars. Our grand fathers and grand mothers that survived in the deportation are also heroes; those who returned to Crimea are also heroes. I am sure that Ametkhan Sultan and such heroes as him must set an example for our youth. On behalf of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, I’d like to thank the Crimean Federation of National Wrestling “Kuresh” for that they do not forget our heroes and holding the memorable events. I’d like to thank the local authorities of Oktyabrske settlement for their assistance in organization of such events that let us honor the memory of the great heroes and let them remain in our hearts,”- the Mejlis Head said.

The competition was attended by the young sportsmen from Oktyabrsky, Simferopol, Saki, Yevpatoria, Nizhnegorsk and other Crimean settlements. They competed in eight weight categories. The winners and prize winners obtained the medals, cups, memorable certificates and valuable prizes.