
Mr Lenur Ablyazimov Elected Chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis

21 December 2013
Mr Lenur Ablyazimov Elected Chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis

In pursuance of the Decision of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People #6 of Dec 6, 2013 “On the conference of the Crimean Tatars of Edi Quyu (Leninsky) region”, the regional conference on the elections of the chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis was held in the Housa of culture in Leninsky settlement on December 21, 2013.

93 delegates representing 24 local mejlises took part in the work of the conference.

Mr Zair Smedlyaev, Chairman of the Central election commission chaired at the conference.

Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, his deputies Mr Zaur Smirnov and Aider Ajimambetov, heads of the departments of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Ms Emine Avamileva and Mr Seidamet Yagyaev, the Chairman of the Revision commission of the Qurultay of the 6th convocation Mr Ali Ozenbash, member of the Mejlis Ms Gulnara Bekirova, the chairman of Alushta Regional Mejlis Mr Enver Arpatly, delegates of the Qurultay elected from Leninsky and Kerch regions and elders of the region attended the conference.

During the consideration of the agenda of the conference adopted by its delegates the candidates were nominated to the position of the head of the national Crimean Tatar self-governance body of Edi Quyu region. The delegates of the conference nominated Mr Ibraim Bormambetov and Mr Lenur Ablyazimov to this position. Both candidates spoke before the delegates of the conference and gave their exhaustive replies to the questions posed.

Ms Venera Fazylova, chairwoman of the tally committee on conducting the elections of the chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis announced the records of the meeting of the tally committee, informed the delegates of the conference with the blank of the bulletin, procedures and order of the direct secret voting.

In the result of the secret voting 50 delegates of the conference gave their votes for Mr Lenur Ablyazimov and 43 for Mr Ibraim Bormambetov.

As a result Mr Lenur Ablyazimov was elected the Chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis.

Mr Zair Smedlyaev, Head of CEC reminded the delegates of the conference that in compliance with the “Provisions on the local bodies of the Crimean Tatar national self-governance” the chairmen of 24 local mejlises are automatically the members of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis and the Chairman of the regional mejlis has right to enter up to 1\3 of the candidates of the general number of the local mejlises into the composition of the regional mejlis. Thus, the new Head of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis Mr Lenur Ablyazimov proposed to enter 7 members into the composition of the regional mejlis among them: Mr Ibraim Bormambetov and the former chairman of the regional mejlis Ms Elvira Akimova.

Addressing the delegates of the conference and new chairman of Edi Quyu Regional Mejlis, Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People congratulated the winner and thanked the participants for their successful work. The Chairman of the Mejlis expressed his hope that the newly elected head of the regional mejlis will do his best to do the constructive work in the region and also recommended the members of the regional mejlis to work more actively with their nationals based on the decisions of the traditional national institutes – the Qurultay and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

Note:  In March 2012 Ms Elvira Akimova was elected the Head of Leninsky Regional Mejlis, but due to familial reasons and health conditions on November 12, 2013 Ms Elvira Akimova applied to the Mejlis to dismiss her from the position of the Head of Edi Quyu (Leninsky) Regional Mejlis.