Mr Haiser Jemilev’s Advocate Mr Alexander Lesovoy Filed an Appeal to Decision of Kyiv Regional Court of Simferopol to Transfer Suspect to Kyiv to Perform Additional Forensic Medical Examination

Mr Alexander Lesovoy couldn’t agree with the decision of the investigating judge of Kyiv Regional Court of Simferopol, because the execution of this decision requires transferring Mr Haiser Jemilev under guard from Simferopol to Kyiv.
According to the advocate, such transfer could be potentially dangerous for Mr Haiser Jemilev’s mental health and could cause considerable damage to his health. “The lack of the special psychiatric care during a long-term transferring could cause the considerable damage to the suspect’s mental health, including an inconvertible one,”- Mr Lesovoy noted.
In addition, Mr Lesovoy underscored that today the State detention facilities of Ukraine have no statutory regulation and special conditions for transferring from Simferopol to Kyiv for persons whose mental health are under the reasonable doubt, in order to provide them safety and avoid causing damage to their health.
Mr Haiser Jemilev’s Advocate Mr Alexander Lesovoy believes that due to the lack of conditions of Mr Haiser Jemilev’s safe transferring from Simferopol to Kyiv the required additional forensicmedical examination could be performed without transferring in the Hospital (KRU KPB #1) in Simferopol with participation of the experts, including from the Ukrainian Scientific – Research Institute of Social and Court Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that could came to Simferopol to perform their duties.