Mr Dmitry Tabachnik Reacts on Problem of Reduction of Faculty at Crimean Tatar and Orient Philology Departments of TNU

30 September 2013
Mr Dmitry Tabachnik Reacts on Problem of Reduction of Faculty at Crimean Tatar and Orient Philology Departments of TNU

In follow-up of his meeting with the chancellor of TNU Mr N.Bagrov where the parties discussed the ways of solution of the problems in the Crimean Tatar and Orient Philology departments, Mr M.Jemilev met with the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Mr Dmitry Tabachnik.

It bears reminding that one of the issues discussed at the meeting was the situation in Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University in regards with the reduction of the academic hours and staffing positions at the department of the Crimean Tatar and Orient Philology and the chair of the Crimean Tatar literature, in particular.

During the meeting the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Mr Dmitry Tabachnik informed the Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev that his ministry gave no orders concerning the reduction of the staffing positions in the higher education institutions in Crimea and Ukraine in the whole.

In addition, Mr Dmitry Tabachnik expressed his intention to hold the working meeting in October 2013 with the representatives of the Crimean Tatar intellectuals to discuss the issues of the development and preserving the Crimean Tatar language and literature and other problems of education.

In follow-up of the meeting with the Mejlis Head, MP of Ukraine M.Jemilev Mr Dmitry Tabachnik sent the official letter to M.Jemilev informing that the financing of the faculty of the Department of the Crimean Tatar and Orient Philology of TNU will demand the additional studying, because the state budget provides financing for the higher education institutions in the whole.

According to Mrs S.Kadzhametova, Head of the Department of Culture and Education at the Mejlis, Head of the Association “Maarifchi”, the respond of the Ministry of Education and Science testified to the serious intention of the Minister D.Tabachnik to study and solve the mentioned above problem.