More than 70 people, including the heads and representatives of Crimean Tatar diasporas and communities from Turkey, Germany, Poland, Russia and Kyiv attended the meeting with Mejlis Leader Mustafa Jemilev and members of Mejlis

On May 4, 2013 at 10 a.m. before the beginning of the working meeting the representatives of Crimean Tatar diasporas and communities along with Mejlis Leader Mustafa Jemilev and members of Mejlis put flowers to the monument of Ismail Gasprinsky, the great Crimean Tatar educator, writer, publisher and founder of the first Turkic newspaper “Terjiman” (Translator).
More than 70 people, including the heads and representatives of Crimean Tatar diasporas and communities from Turkey, Germany, Poland, Russia and Kyiv attended the meeting with Mejlis Leader Mustafa Jemilev and members of Mejlis.
In particular, Crimean Tatar diaspora in Turkey was represented by the heads of 38 Associations of culture and mutual assistance of Crimean Tatars of Turkey. The meeting was also attended by the representative of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in Germany Ahmet Ozai, representative of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in Poland Selim Hazbievich, representative of diaspora of Crimean Tatars in Moscow Mustafa Muhterem, Head of the Board of the Association of Crimean Tatars in Kyiv Aslan Omer Qirimli.
The meeting was attended by Mufti of Muslims of Crimea hajji Emirali Ablaev, veteran of Crimean Tatar national movement Ayshe Seytmuratova, chancellor of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University Fevzi Yakubov, Head of the Revision committee of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people Qurtseit Abdullaev, advisor of the Head of Mejlis on Turkey Ismet Yuksel, CEO of the CO “Foundation “KRYM” Riza Shevkiev, Head of the International public organization “Bizim Qirim” Abduraman Egiz.
Greeting the high guests the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev thanked the heads and representatives of Crimean Tatar diasporas and communities for invitation accepted and their active participation in the meeting, representing the particular importance for the whole Crimean Tatar people.
The Leader of Mejlis informed that during the meeting its participants will discuss and exchange the opinions on the current situation with the Crimean Tatar people.

“In addition, we will discuss the dates and format of the next meeting of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars to be held in Crimea,”- Mejlis Leader M.Jemilev informed. “In conclusion of the meeting the decisions on the consolidated actions, aimed at solving the urgent problems in the area of the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people will be made,”- he said.
After the opening speech of the Leader of Mejlis the participants of the meeting made common dua (prayer) held by Mufti of Muslims of Crimea hajji Emirali Ablaev, then Crimean Tatar national and state anthem of Ukraine were performed.
The meeting of the members of Mejlis with the heads of Crimean Tatar organization of diasporas from EU member states, USA and Turkey started its work.
The briefing for Mass Media was held in conclusion of the meeting.