«Merhametlik» («Charity») Action Continues Helping Gravely Ill Children

12 August 2011
«Merhametlik» («Charity») Action Continues Helping Gravely Ill Children

As is known, recently the Religious Board of Crimean Muslims and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people came with an initiative to gather funds to help gravely ill children in the framework of “Merhametlik” Charity action. According to the Commission’s decision all donations were given to the parents of the children. However, this problem still remains acute.

Parents of other gravely ill children continue applying to Muftiat. That is why the Religious Board of Crimean Muslims continues “Merhametlik” (“Charity”) action, timing it to the holy month Ramadan – charity month.

Everyone who wishes to make donation can do it directly to Muftiat or via local Imams.

Those who wish to make donation via bank transfer, could do it to the account of the Religious Board of Crimean Muslims or to the personal accounts of the gravely ill children that is given bellow.

The Religious Board of Crimean Muslims

Address: 4 Kurchatov Str, Simferopol

Bank details: Raiffeisen bank «aval», Kyiv, OKPO 23450183
MFO 380805 acc.: 26007265062
Purpose: donation to gravely ill children


1. Bilyalov Dilyaver Enverovich, age 18.

Diagnosis – closed spinal – cerebrospinal trauma. Complicated compressive – comminuted fracture С5 of vertebra with contusion, with pressure of spinal cord, with cross asequence of spinal cord syndrome (FRANKEL group A).

Download scan-copy of epicrisis:   page – 1,   page – 2.

Dilyaver Bilyalov needs urgent operation that will let him stand on his feet and walk without a wheelchair.

Contact phone:   050 788 17 77 – Dilyaver Bilyalov’s father

Bank details:

Beneficiary:  Bilyalov Dilyaver Enverovich

Bank:  PrivateBank

Account # (client’s account)  26202602275067

MFO –  305299

OKPO (client’s INN)  3229325356

Purpose:  donation to Dilyaver Bilyalov

2. Ablyatifova Sevilya Enverovna, age 2,8.

Diagnosis– double-sided sensory deafness.

The child needs an urgent operation on inserting of an implant to her ear. The operation will let the child speak and will promote to her further normal development.

Contact phone:    050 773 70 20 – parents: Enver and Elvina Abletifovs

Bank details:

Beneficiary:  AbletifovaElvina Sayitovna

Bank:  PrivateBank

Account # (client’s account)  262 026 016 06 303

MFO – 30 52 99

OKPO – (client’s INN)   29 99 71 69 07

Purpose: donation to AbletifovaSevilya

3. Abdurakhmanov Alim Narimanovichage 25.

Diagnosis– osteochondrosis offemoral bone of both joints, pain syndrome.  

Download scan-copy of certificate.

Alim needs an urgent hip replacement arthroplasty. This operation will let him move normally after the course of rehabilitation.

Contact phone

097 558 63 83 – father Nariman Abdurakhmanov
093 147 35 05 – Alim Abdurakhmanov


Beneficiary: Abdurakhmanov Nariman Alimovich

Bank:  PrivateBank

Account # (client’s account)  29244825509100

MFO –  30 52 99

EGRPOU:  14360 570

Purpose: donation to Alim Abdurakhmanov