
Members of Mejlis: We Call All Crimean Residents to Support All-Crimean Meeting Timed to International Human Rights Day

06 December 2013
Members of Mejlis: We Call All Crimean Residents to Support All-Crimean Meeting Timed to International Human Rights Day

The all-Crimean meeting timed to the International Human Rights Day will be held on December 10, 2013, at 11 a.m. on the central square in Simferopol. The meeting was agreed in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The deputy chairmen of the Mejlis Mr Zaur Smirnov and Mr Nariman Jelyal ans well as the Head of the Legal Department at the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mr Teyfuk Gafarov informed on December 6, 2013 at the press-conference.

Mr Nariman Jelyal, Vice Chairman of the Mejlis reminded that since 1950 the various actions and peaceful meetings have been held around the world on the day of the adoption of the Human Rights Declaration.

Many participants of the Crimean Tatar national movement were also the active participants of the human rights movement in the former USSR. That is why the Crimean Tatars regarded the combat for the human rights as the direct combat for the existence and restoration of their collective rights,”- Mr Jelyal continued and underscored that the Mejlis pays the great attention to the International Human Rights Day and that is why the all-Crimean meeting has been held in Simferopol not for the first time on December 10.

On behalf of the Mejlis the participants of the press-conference called the residents of Crimea to come to all-Crimean meeting timed to the International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2013, at 11 a.m.

“We call the Crimean residents irrespective of their nationality and religion to state to the Ukrainian authorities and international community that unfortunately the situation with human rights in Ukraine is far from being ideal. Consequently, we must state that we don’t want to accept such situation and ready to defend their rights in courts by due process of law on the streets of their cities as it takes place in Ukraine today,”- Mr Jelyal said.

According to the participants of the press-conference, there is no doubt that the public and political situation in Ukraine will affect significantly the all-Crimean meeting on December 10, 2013. “All Ukrainian citizens know that the peaceful actions of protest – Euromaidans with certain demands have been held for weeks in Kyiv and many other Ukrainian cities. As is known, the Mejlis also supported the peaceful actions of protest and demands with immediate resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and snap elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as ones that failed to execute the current law of Ukraine on the European integration of our country,”- the members of the Mejlis noted.

Speaking about the all-Crimean meeting Mr Zaur Smirnov, Vice Chairman of the Mejlis focused attention on the summit of the OSCE member-states that takes place these days in Kyiv. Fist of all its participants speak about the observance of the human rights and nations’ rights in the world.

“In addition to the public-political situation at the meeting on December 10, 2013 we will rise the issues of the restoration and observance of the collective rights of the indigenous people of Crimea. First of all we once again state about the need to adopt the Law of Ukraine “On the restoration of the rights of the persons deported on the national grounds,”- Mr Smirnov stated. He also said that the participants of the all-Crimean meeting will certainly adopt the address to the Ukrainian authorities on the necessity to hold the International forum on the rights of the Crimean Tatars on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from its historical Homeland – Crimea. The issue of the legal status of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People will be also raised.

“In fact, we announce our main messages that should provide the basis for the negotiations of the authorities of Ukraine and Crimea with the representative body of the Crimean Tatar people,”- Mr Zaur Smirnov, Vice Chairman of the Mejlis specified.

Mr Teifuk Gafarov, Head of the legal department at the Mejlis also underscored that a wide range of issues and problems of our nationals the Mejlis has to deal with could be solved on condition of the legal settlement of the status of the people and adoption of the corresponding legal basis, in particular, the law on the restoration of the rights of the persons deported on the national grounds.

In addition, Mr Teifuk Gafarov believes that the actions aimed at preserving the human rights in Ukraine shouldn’t limit only with the oral debates. “The situation in Ukraine is such that many issues could be only solved through the participation in the mass peaceful actions,”- Mr Gafarov underscored.

In conclusion Mr Jelyal, Vice Chairman of the Mejlis stated that the meeting that will be held on December 10, 2013 is in fact the beginning of the all-Crimean events under the aegis of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People timed to the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from its historical Homeland.