Members of Mejlis Supported Unanimously the Joint Statement of United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association «Batkivschina» and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

29 July 2012
Members of Mejlis Supported Unanimously the Joint Statement of United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association «Batkivschina» and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

On July 28, 2012 the broad meeting of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people was held, attended by the representatives of the regional mejlises as well.

During the meeting the Leader of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev informed the members of Mejlis about the text of the joint statement of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, signed on July 27, 2012 in Kyiv.

“The mentioned statement about the cooperation in the Parliamentary elections 2012 in Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages was signed at the joint Press Conference by the Chairman of the Council of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev and Head of the Central Election Headquarters of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” Alexander Turchinov,”- the Leader of Mejlis said.

As reported, in compliance with the agreement reached, Mejlis made the decision to support the political position and program of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” in the Parliamentary election 2012 and cooperate in the issues, relating to ensuring of the law, equal possibilities for all the participants of the election process at all its stages.

Mejlis’ leader M.Jemilev also informed the participants of the meeting that on July 30, 2012 he was invited to take part in the pre-election convention of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” where the presentation of the voting list of the candidates to the MPs from this political force and list of candidates to MPs in single-mandate elective districts will be held.

As reported, in the frameworks of the “Resolution of Qurultay on the election of the MPs of Ukraine and tasks of the bodies of the national self-governance of the Crimean Tatar people”, adopted on July 21, 2012 by the delegates of Qurultay, Mejlis was ordered to make the decision on the consolidated position of Crimean Tatars in the election on October 28, 2012 and to ensure its execution by all the bodies of the national self-governance of Crimean Tatars.

The members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people supported unanimously the joint statement of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and adopted the decision to prepare a range of proposals for the convention of the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” in the majoritarian election districts in Crimea.

The members of Mejlis confirmed their readiness to support the agreed candidates to the MPs from the United Opposition of All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivschina” and Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in single-mandate election districts in Crimea.