Member of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Visits European Parliament

12 March 2014
Member of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Visits European Parliament

Mr Abduraman Egiz took part in the session of the Pan-European Working Group to make report on the situation in Crimea and security of the Crimean Tatar people.

The member of the Mejlis also made report on the situation in Crimea at the session of the faction of the social-democrats.

After Mr Egiz took part as a guest in the meeting of the faction of the European People’s Party the deputies expressed their support of the Crimean Tatars.

During his meeting the member of the Mejlis hold separate meetings with the MPs Tune Kelam, Pol Rubing, Bernd Posselt, Elmar Brok and Emine Bozkurt.

Abduraman Egiz also discussed the Crimean crisis with the Secretary of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe Mr Thomas Markert.

On Thursday the European Parliament is going to adopt the Resolution on Ukraine that will include the separate item regarding the security of the Crimean Tatars.