Mejlis’ Website Recommenced its Work after DDos-attacks

Few days before the Parliamentary elections in Ukraine, held on October 28, 2012 there was an active trend of purposeful hackers’ attacks on the web- resources of many participants of the election prosess.
On the night of 22/23 October, 2012 the official website of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people experienced an unprecedented DDos attack, causing problems to server’s work. The website administration is doing the service works. The website provider notified about the attack and had to block the website for a while.
The Department of Cybernetic Crimes of the Security Service of Ukraine reacted on the DDos attack on Mejlis’ website.
The massive DDos attacks were made repeatedly, disabling Mejlis’ website up to October 30, 2012.
Today the website recommenced its work.