«Mejlis Was Recognized By History, In Many Legal Acts, By People And We Can’t Ignore This,» – Andrei Shevchenko

The First Vice Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights, national minorities and international relations Andrei Shevchenko stated this at the field meeting of the Committee on April 11, 2013 in Simferopol.
“Everything that is going on with Crimean Tatars is a test for Ukraine, the test for justice, goodness, the test for honor of the human rights and common sense. But we are not very good at passing it yet,”- Andrei Shevchenko said.
According to the MP there is a clear impression that Kyiv transferred the responsibility to Crimean authorities for everything that happens to Crimean Tatars. “A lot of things were promised. Kyivpromisedalotandwashedone’shands. It left the Crimean authorities alone with the real problems of people.”
As an example the MP mentioned about the situation with financing of the program of the resettlement of the deportees from the budget 2012: “25 millions Hryvnas was planned. Itisadrop in a bucket. In fact, only 8 million were allocated. As a result we see how the Board of Treasury annually shows the same magic trick. But we all understand that it is not a kind of a genius financial management. One couldn’t call it anything but a fraud. Thus, the Government cheats and deceives the Ukrainian people. We hear empty words that born in Kyiv and that are impossible to implement here in Crimea.”
“It is even more revolting when we see a shocking corruption in our country. Here we speak about 30 million when 200 million US Dollars were theft from the construction of one drilling rig that has to work here in Crimea,”- MP told.
Andrei Shevchenko expressed his belief: “Everything that is going on around Crimean Tatars is similar to what happens in the country. I think that we have the common goal to change this.” He made the particular suggestions that were unanimously taken for the basis by the present members of the Committee.
Andrei Shevchenko was sure that one has to move from empty promises to the budget of real results as far as the financing concerns, that people will feel the real things.
Speaking about the draft law “On the restoration of the rights of persons, deported on the national grounds”, Andrei Shevchenko noted that before April 16, 2013 there is a formal possibility to made amendments to this draft law that was voted by the Parliament of the 6th convocation and called to take advantage of this time.
The Vice Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights, national minorities and international relations Andrei Shevchenko considers that the decision to hold the International forum is absolutely logical. “Given that Ukraine lacks money, efforts or wisdom it should call the international community to solve people’s problems together,”- the politician underscored.
Andrei Shevchenko in his speech also touched upon the coming all-Crimean mourning meeting, timed to the 69th anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from their historical homeland – Crimea.
The Ukrainian politician was sure that people in Crimea will be united by mourn. However, he was very concerned with the aggression against Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people.
“It seems like it is too obvious from outside. It is evident that there is a tension between the Government and Mejlis and that Mejlis’ representatives are squeezed from the power. It is clear that sometimes the authorities do not speak delicately on very sensitive issues. When the authorities suggest putting off Hydyrlez or teach Crimean Tatars how they should hold the mourning meeting on May 18. It looks like a stupid and unreasonable step from aside. It looks like the authorities try to split Crimean Tatars artificially, someone tries to bring closer some Crimean Tatar organizations and show that other do not obtain anything from this authorities,”- he said.

“It looks very unwisely from aside. It is not a discussion about the status of Mejlis. For us it is a question of the respect of the people, because this issue is evident for the overwhelming majority of people in our country. Mejlis was recognized by the history, many legal acts, by people and I think that we can’t ignore this. Similarly, Mustafa Jemilev is not just an elder of our committee, he is not just the author of the draft law, we are talking about, but a person – a legend. For us he is a legitimate representative of the interests of hundreds of thousands of people, and I think that ignoring this is stupid and not efficient. It is like a suicide for the authorities,”- MP of Ukraine A.Shevchenko thinks.
Andrei Shevchenko also expressed his personal opinion in conclusion of the reports heard about the situation with the interethnic relations and resettlement of the deported peoples.
“Today the new generation of Crimean Tatars grew in Crimea. Irrespective of the elder generation who consider the very fact of their return to Crimea as a miracle, these young men demand other things. What do they feel living in the villages that have no gas, roads and water? What do they think about this crying injustice, when some people in this country obtain more and others less?”- the politician commented on the situation in the majority of Crimean Tatar settlements.
In conclusion the MP addressed all the present, particularly the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people. “Everything that hurts you hurts us as well. It is a pain for every Ukrainian citizen. This state won’t reach success until the Crimean Tatar people will feel good here. Undoubtedly our state could succeed only when it will respect every its citizen, irrespective of his nationality. I hope that Crimea will serve an example of the respect of the human rights, flourishing and wellbeing for the rest of the country. Our committee is an ally of Crimeans not only in the issues, relating to the deported peoples, but in many other issues,”- Andrei Shevchenko noted.