Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People is Open to Co-operation and Open Dialogue with All Political Parties and Public Organizations of Crimea and Ukraine

02 August 2011
Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People is Open to Co-operation and Open Dialogue with All Political Parties and Public Organizations of Crimea and Ukraine

Press service of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People received the “Official disclaimer” of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” in connection with the statements made by the ex-Head of the Secretariat of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” R. Shaymardanov on July 19, 2011 at the press-conference in Simferopol.

The “Official disclaimer” signed by the Chairman of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” Svetlana Ereschenko presents an apologies to the residents of the Autonomy, representatives of the Crimean Tatar people, the members of Milli Mejlis, in particular, as the representative body of the Crimean Tatar people for R. Shaymardanov’s statements, that the leaders of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” considered as provocation on the part of R. Shaymardanov.

The full text of the “Official disclaimer” of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” is available on the official website of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. Press service of Mejlis is authorized to announce that the apologies of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” were fully accepted.

Press service of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people confirms that Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people is ready to co-operation and open dialogue with all political parties and public organizations of Crimea and Ukraine whose activity is based on the democratic principles and is aimed at general benefit of Crimea and all its residents.

On July 19, 2011 the ex-Head of the Secretariat of the Crimean Republican Organization AYPO “Democratic Alliance” R. Shaymardanov stated that there are backroom agreements between Reskomnats and Mejlis. R. Shaymardanov also called Mejlis “an illegal, unauthorized organization” and accused Mejlis of falsification of the lists for allocation of land plots.

The CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” officially declares that this information doesn’t represent the official position of the organization, but is the personal opinion of Mr. R. Shaymardanov.

We present our apologies to the residents of the Autonomy, the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people, the members of Milli Mejlis, in particular, as the representative body of the Crimean Tatar people.

R. Shaymardanov didn’t agree his statements with the governing body of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” and we regard them as provocation. In connection with violation of the Charter of the organization (in particular, non-execution of the decisions of the governing body and actions that undermine the authority of the AYPO “Democratic Alliance”) the Board of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” adopted the decision on expulsion of R. Shaymardanov from the membership of the organization.

The CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” calls Mass Media do not refer to R. Shaymardanov’s opinion as the position of the organization.

Chairman of the CRO AYPO “Democratic Alliance” Svetlana Ereschenko

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