
“Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Always Supported Decisions Aimed at Democratization of Ukraine,”- Head of Secretariat of Mejlis Mr Dilyaver Akiev

13 January 2014
“Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Always Supported Decisions Aimed at Democratization of Ukraine,”- Head of Secretariat of Mejlis Mr Dilyaver Akiev

The forum of Euromaidans of Ukraine was held in Kharkov last weekend attended by the representatives of Euromaidans from every Ukrainian town.

Mr Dilyaver Akiev, Head of the Secretariat of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People who was invited to the forum as an observer said this.

Mr Rustem Ablyatif, Head of the Institute of Civil Society and Mr Ali Ametov, member of the youth organization “Yashlar Shurasi” also took part at the Forum. It should be noted that the delegation of the Mejlis was invited to the Forum as an observer.

According to Mr Akiev, the participants of the Forum of Euromaidans were refused in allocation of the premises. “As a result they had to start the work of the Forum in the autocephalous church of Kharkov. As soon as everybody entered the church around 30 titishki tried to attack the building. But the organizers barricaded the doors and didn’t let the provocateurs in”- Mr Akiev said.

Mr Akiev also noted that in the framework of the Forum he was given the word to preet the participants on behalf of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

“Representing the Crimean Tatar people the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People always supported and keeps on supporting the decisions aimed at the democratization and European integration of Ukraine,” Mr Dilyaver Akiev said noting that during 70 years the Crimean Tatars carry the non-violent fight using exclusively democratic methods for the restoration of the collective rights of the people violated in 1944.

Telling about the work of the forum the Head of the Secretariat of the Mejlis noted that the participants divided the format of work into the following specialist committees: “Development of the plan of actions on the establishment of the responsible democracy”, “Establishment of the mechanisms of coordination of the actions and relations between Euromaidans”, “Security and legal defense of Euromaidans”, “System of material support of Euromaidans”, “Intellectual and creative cooperation of Euromaidans”, “Coordination of informative policy. General information policy”, “System of civil education in Euromaidans”.

“The work of the committees comprised in the development of the certain strategy and tactic tasks for the future activity of the activists of Euromaidan movement. We didn’t take part in the process of voting, because we were observers. In conclusion of the forum’s work all its participants went to Shevchenko square where they had to hold a meeting,”- Mr Akiev underscored.

According to Mr Dilyaver Akiev, the local authorities tried to prevent the holding of the peaceful meeting, so the square in Kharkov was occupied by the supporters of the Party of Regions.

“In addition, so called titushki, accompanied by the law enforcement officials constantly chased the participants of the forum of Euromaidans of Ukraine heading to T.Shevchenko square,”- Mr Akiev noted.

Nevertheless, the meeting of the participants of the Forum took place on Yaroslav the Wise attended by more than 500 people. “Literally in few minutes after the beginning of the meeting two cars with special audio equipment came and turned on the laud music in order to drown our microphone. Right after that the militia officials built a security cordon, but the titushki standing nearby threw petards at us”- the Head of the Secretariat said.

According to Mr Akiev, the participants of the forum of Euromaidans of Ukraine could hold the events planned despite all provocations and petards throwing.