Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev Has Met With Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Mr. Troy Lulashnyk

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev has met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Mr. Troy Lulashnykin his residence in Kyiv.

Noting the big interest of Canada to the processes in Ukraine the Ambassador of Canada Troy Lulashnyk underscored the special interest of his country to the issues, related to the return and restoration of the rights of the deported Crimean Tatar people. “The reason of this is that Canada has rich experience in forming of the tolerant multiethnic society in their country and big Ukrainian diaspora,”- the Ambassador noted.
In his turn Mejlis’ leader expressed his gratitude to the people and government of Canada for their support of the democratic changes in Ukraine and the return of the Crimean Tatar people from the places of deportation.
The parties discussed the current situation in the country and the main problems of Crimean Tatars.
Mustafa Jemilev informed the Ambassador of Canada about the consideration of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the restoration of the rights of persons, deported on the national grounds” in the Parliament of Ukraine and preparation to the International forum on the problems of the deportees under the aegis of the OSCE.
In conclusion of the meeting the Ambassador of Canada Mr. Troy Lulashnyk expressed his wish to continue the dialogue. In his turn the Chairman of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev invited the Ambassador to Crimea.
The meeting was also attended by the advisor of the Ambassador of Canada Mr. Gregory Lemermaer and Irina Lavriv, as well as Aleksey Skorik, the assistant of the Chairman of Mejlis, MP of Ukraine m.Jemilev.