Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev Takes Part in Groundbreaking Ceremony of Mosque of Near East University and University of Kyrenia in TRNC

27 September 2013
Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev Takes Part in Groundbreaking Ceremony of Mosque of Near East University and University of Kyrenia in TRNC

From September 26 to 29, 2013, the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mustafa Jemilev was visiting the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Invited by the Chancellor of the Near East University Mr Suat Gunsel the Chairman of the Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev and accompanying him Mr Aslan Omer Qirimli, Head of the Association of Crimean Tatars in Kyiv and Mr Rustem Umerov, delegate of the 5th Qurultay, advisor of the Chairman of the Mejlis took part in the groundbreaking ceremony the mosque of the Near East University and University of Kyrenia.

The Representative of President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Dr Sibel Siber; Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of TRNC , Ünal Üstel; Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, Prof Dr Beşir Atalay; Turkish Ambassador to Nicosia, Halil İbrahim Akça; President of Religious Affairs of Turkey, Prof Dr Mehmet Görmez; The Head of Religious Affairs Department, Talip Atalay; Deputy Prime Minister of TRNC, Serdar Denktaş; Head of Main Opposition Party, Hüseyin Özgürgün; Minister of Public Works and Transport, Ahmet Kaşif; Minister of Health, Ahmet Gülle; Minister of Economy, Zeren Mungan; Member of National Education of Commission of Grand National Assembly of Turkey; Members of Parliament of Turkey; Members of Parliament of TRNC; President of Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş; Founding Rector of Near East University, Dr Suat İ. Günsel; Rector of University of Kyrenia, Cemre Günsel; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University, Assist. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of University of Kyrenia, Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu; Rector of Near East University, Prof Dr Ümit Hassan; Senior Managers of Near East University; Academic Staff of NEU and members of press attended the groundbreaking ceremonies held on September 27, 2013.

“The Near East University Mosque will be the largest mosque of Cyprus in terms of the area it covers and of the capacity to serve the highest possible number of worshippers up to 10,000, and, in total will have six minarets, of which four will be 72 meters high with three balconies and two will be 54 meters high with two balconies. The highest minarets of Cyprus will also accompany the highest doom which will be 27 meters high and 27 meters in diameter. The stained glasses of windows will be a reflection of continuity of Classical Ottoman Architecture, and the illustrations will reflect the same ethos”- the Press Service of the University informs.

On the same day the Chairman of the Mejlis M.Jemilev took part in the groundbreaking ceremony of the University of Kyrenia.

The University of Kyrenia will be located near New Harbour of Kyrenia, the world-famous city of our country, on an area covering 65 decare. The campus of Kyrenia University will comprise 5 faculties, a library, lecture halls, conference halls, administrative buildings, sports facilities, and a dock for sips. The Campus will reflect the structural embodiments and symbols of civilizations of Cyprus as well as the requirements of a modern university.