
Mejlis’ Condolences over Vaclav Havel’s Death

19 December 2011
Mejlis’ Condolences over Vaclav Havel’s Death

Vaclav Havel’s name will remain one of the bright symbols in a cohort of the outstanding humanists of the 20th century who inspired many peoples and millions of people around the world to fight for their rights and decent existence.

On December 18, 2011 the last President of Czechoslovakia and the first President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel, 75, dies.

The mankind lost one of the most courageous and consistent fighters for the democracy whose life proved that the desire for the dignity and freedom turns to be stronger the bayonets of the dictatorship.

Vaclav Havel’s name will remain one of the bright symbols in a cohort of the outstanding humanists of the 20th century who inspired many peoples and millions of people around the world to fight for their rights and decent existence

His activity as the President of Czechoslovakia (December 29, 1989 – July 20, 1992) and the President of the Czech Republic (February 2, 1993 – February 2, 2003) was the embodiment of the leader who managed to make morality a basis of the state policy.

Vaclav Havel has expressed his solidarity with the fight of the Crimean Tatar people for the right to return to Crimea and restoration of their rights. In October 2011 the delegation of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people received Vaclav Havel’s personal invitation to take part in the work of the XV International Conference “Forum 2000” in Prague.

During the meeting with the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev the legendary human rights advocate and consistent supporter of the democratic development of post-totalitarian states Vaclav Havel supported the initiative of the International forum on the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people to their homeland, its security and guarantees of development in Ukraine and stated about his readiness to promote its implementation.

The years of Vaclav Havel’s imprisonment couldn’t help reflecting on his health. Being taken ill with the severest pneumonia Vaclav Havel has been suffering from the complicated chronic bronchitis for many years.

Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people expresses its sincere and deep condolences over the death of Vaclav Havel – state figure of the Czech Republic, outstanding humanist of the present and the world human rights advocate to his relatives and friends and the whole Czech people.

Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people,

December 18, 2011,

Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine