Meeting on Issues Relating to Development of Creative Association of Crimean Tatar Programs of STRC Qrim

On June 11, 2012 the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev, his First Deputy, MP of the Verkhovna Rada of ARC Refat Chubarov met with the Head of the Republican Committee of ARC on Information Vadim Volchenko and First Deputy CEO of STRC “Qrim” Stepan Gulevaty.
The meeting, held in the premises of STRC “Qrim” was also attended by the Deputy CEO of STRC “Qrim” on television Irina Muld, Director of the Creative Association of Crimean Tatar Programs of STRC “Qrim” Seytislyam Kishveev, Head of the Department of Mejlis on information policy and relations with public organizations Shevket Kaibullaev and Head of the Secretariat of Mejlis Zair Smedlyaev.

As reported, recently the Board of STRC “Qrim” demanded from the workers of the Crimean Tatar editorial office the daily covering of the activity of the central bodies of the state authorities, in particular, the President of Ukraine and the Council of Ministers of Ukraine in “Haberler” (“News”) program that lasts only 13 minutes. As a result, there is almost no time leaves to cover the events of the public and political, social and cultural life of the Crimean Tatar people and Crimea.
Consequently, this has aroused the all-round discussion between the participants of the meeting, relating the disastrous material and technical situation of the Creative Association of Crimean Tatar Programs of STRC “Qrim” in Crimean Tatar language – 26 minutes per day; moreover there is no broadcast in Crimean Tatar on Saturday.
According to Seytislyam Kishveev, the Crimean Tatar editorial office of information programs is willing to cover the social initiatives of the President of Ukraine and the Council of Ministers of Ukraine in compliance with the demands of the State Committee on TV and Radio of Ukraine and STRC. However, the timing of the daily news program in Crimean Tatar language – 13 minutes objectively does not allow doing this. “That is why we ask to add more 10 minutes to the timing of the program “Haberler”. This would let us cover the regional and state events, including the initiatives of the state authorities,”- S.Kishveev added.
In his turn, the Head of the Republican Committee of ARC on Information Vadim Volchenko made proposal to change the time of the beginning of the news program in Crimean Tatar language from 18:15 to 18:00 as it was 2 years ago. He also assured that he is ready to intercede for increasing the timing of the program “Haberler” up to 26 minutes. Moreover, considering the disastrous material and technical situation of the Crimean Tatar association the First Deputy CEO of STRC “Qrim” Stepan Gulevaty said that he is ready to include all these proposals to TV channel’s tender list.

Saying about the subtitles, accompanying the programs in Crimean Tatar language Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev and his First Deputy said that they are convinced that it must be made exclusively in the state language – Ukrainian.
In addition, the leaders of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people consider it necessary to apply to the National Rada on TV and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine to make changes to the license of the STRC “Qrim”, considering the ratio of Crimean Tatars in the population of Crimea and, correspondingly, make amendments to the linguistic policy of the STRC “Qrim” programs.
During the meeting the First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis, MP of the VR ARC Refat Chubarov expressed the Head of the Republican Committee of ARC on Information Vadim Volchenko his wish to exclude the unprofessional methods of management in the Board of the STRC “Qrim”, in particular the rude talk with the journalists.
In conclusion of the meeting its participants agreed about the necessity to join their efforts in order to solve the issues, relating to the development of the creative association of Crimean Tatar programs of the STRC “Qrim