
Meeting of Main Board of OKND

03 March 2014
Meeting of Main Board of OKND

The meeting of the Main Board of OKND (Organization of Crimean Tatar National Movement) was held to discuss the situation in Crimea as regards the intervention of Russian troops.

Having heard and discussed the events that has taking place in Crimea since February 27 up to the present moment, the members of MB OKND made the conclusion about an attempt of the armed seizure of power and separation of Crimea with support of Russian troops.

MB OKND supported the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and demanded: immediate pullout of all Russian troops from Ukraine, denunciation of Kharkiv Accords on the stationing of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, condemned the actions of the illegal self-proclaimed government of Crimea and called all Crimean citizens to preserve peace, calm, interethnic and interreligious consent.


Of Main Board of Organization of Crimean National Movement (OKND)

March 2, 2014

On February 27, 2014, Russian troops invaded the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. Threatening with weapon and acting like terrorists, they took the building of the Verkhovna Rada, Council of Ministers of Crimea, airports in Simferopol and Sevastopol, blocked the military units, communicative facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and other bodies of the central authorities located in the territory of AR Crimea.

The violent intrusion of these armed persons into the political processes of the autonomy resulted in deposition of the Head of the Council of Ministers of ARC by the Verkhovna Rada of ARC thus violating the constitutional norms of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The illegitimate government headed by Mr Aksenov with an active support of the Speaker of the Parliament tries to organize a referendum in order to change the status of Crimea and join Russia in the nearest future.

The Main Board of OKND states one’s position with regards to the present very dangerous situation that threatens peace and stability in a huge territory, as follows:

1. Russian troops must be immediately pulled out from Ukraine;

2. Kharkiv Accords on the stationing of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea must be immediately denunciated;

3. Support the Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and Address to the member-countries of the Budapest memorandum to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine;

4. The powers of the present composition of the Verkhovna Rada of AR Crimea must be terminated. The snap elections must be hold provided the guaranteed representation of Crimean Tatars with their quota comprising at least one third of the Parliament seats.

The Main Board of OKND calls all citizens of the peninsular to preserve peace, calm, interethnic and interreligious consent. 

Adopted at the meeting of the Main Board of OKND

On March 2, 2014