
Meeting Between Head of Parliament of TRNC Hasan Bozer and Chairman of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev

20 July 2011
Meeting Between Head of Parliament of TRNC Hasan Bozer and Chairman of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev

On July 20, in the framework of celebration of the Day of Peace and Freedom the Speaker of the Parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Hasan Bozer received the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev, the Secretary General of DCP Hasan Erchelebi and the former MP of DCP Husein Pazarchy.

During the meeting between the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic Hasan Bozer and the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev the parties discussed the situation in Cyprus and TRNC, as well as the relations between Crimean Tatars and Cypriot-Turks.

Moreover, in his speech Hasan Bozer noted that the peace-building movement was created in order to safe Turks from massacre. Hasan Bozer reminded his guests that in the result of the historical decision and talks the Turkish troops entered the island, ensuring peace and freedom of Cypriot-Turks. According to Hasan Bozer if the conditions of the talks wouldn’t be respected one couldn’t avoid bloodshed. The Greek government overthrew Makarios’ rule and was going to declare Enosis. The peace-building operation of Cypriot-Turks saved them from a certain death.

Hasan Erchelebi send regards from Homeland and reminded Bulent Erjevit’s wishes: “Do not stay aside from fighting in Cyprus” that became a kind of last will. In his speech Erchelebi told that one has to rise the fighting to the higher international level.

The former MP Husein Pazarchy expressed his satisfaction with the visit and underscored that Turkey will always be a reliable and indisputable guarantee.

Husein Pazarchy also expressed his satisfaction with the visit on the eve of celebration of the Day of Peace and Freedom on July 20 and pride for the results achieved, that ensured the peaceful life and prosperity of Cypriot-Turks.