«Many Called Sabriye Erecepova –«Mother of Crimea» – Safure Kadzhametova

The event, dedicated to the issue of an envelope, depicting the Honored Actress of KASSR and Uzbekistan, singer Sabriye Erecepova was held in I.Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar Library.
The event was timed to the 100th anniversary of birth of the Honored Actress of KASSR and Uzbekistan, singer Sabriye Erecepova.

The ceremony was attended by the Vice Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Remzi Ilyasov, Head of the Association of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi” Safure Kadzhametova, Deputy Head of Reskomnats of ARC Emine Avamileva, Head of the League of Crimean Tatar Women Safinar Jemileva, Director of Crimean Branch of “Ukrposhta” Ruslana Krizskaya, relatives and friends, as well as Sabriye Erecepova’s followers and Crimean Tatar community.
“Sabriye Erecepova is a real legend,”- the Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the VR ARC on interethnic relations and problems of the deported persons Remzi Ilyasov said. – Every Crimean Tatar family recalls all the very best that was in Crimean Tatars’ life when it hears this name. Remzi Ilyasov expressed his gratitude to the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev who registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the Draft Resolution#10438 “On the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Sabriye Erecepova’s birth”, and as reported on July 5, 2012 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine finally adopted the mentioned Resolution.

The Head of the Department of education and culture of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Safure Kadzhametova expressed her gratitude to the employers of Ukrposhta for the issue of already the forth special envelope. “It’s very joyful day for us,- Safure Kadzhametova said. Many called Sabriye Erecepova a “mother of Crimea”. In fact she was full of Crimean spirit, she breathed with it, and she was part of it. Today the young singers must take her for an example. They have to try to sing as she did. They must be patriots of Crimea!”
In conclusion of her speech Safure Kadzhametova thanked Mustafa Jemilev on behalf of all Crimean Tatar intellectuals and herself for that work that he has done to perpetuate the memory of the great singer of the Crimean Tatar people.

“Sabriye Erecepova is the notable daughter of her people and Crimea could be proud of her! She was sentenced to 10 years of camps for her love to her Homeland and her people. It is just a tiny portion that we could do to commemorate Sabriye Erecepova’s memory,” – the Head of the League of Crimean Tatar Women Safinar Jemileva said in her speech.
According to S.Jemileva the events, timed to Sabriye Erecepova’s memory to take place in Crimea in September this year. In particular, the Day of memory of the legendary Crimean Tatar singer will be held in the Crimean Tatar Theatre, and Crimean Tatar museum will make an exhibition, dedicated to her life and work.

The pupils and followers of Sabriye Erecepova’s rich heritage – Rustem Memetov, Gulizar Bekirova, Uriye Kermenchikli, Zarema Almazova and many others noted in their speeches and memories about the legendary singer that she was a great woman that was devoted to her people. “She had a unique voice and talent,”- the participants of the event said.
The well known Crimean Tatar actress of pre-war Crimean Tatar theatre, the Honored Artist of Ukraine, one of the founders of Crimean Tatar theatre Ayshe Dittanova also attended the event. Ayshe Dittanova came from the United States to take part in the events, timed to the 100th anniversary of birth of her friend Sabriye Erecepova.