
Leonid Kuchma Awarded Scholarships to Students of Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University

12 September 2011
Leonid Kuchma Awarded Scholarships to Students of Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University

On September 12, 2011 the solemn ceremony of awarding of the scholarships of the charity foundation “Presidential Foundation of Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine” to the talented students of CIPU was held in the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University. The founder of the Foundation, second President of Ukraine (1994-2005) Leonid Kuchma visited the University to present the talented youth with his scholarships.

The Presidential Foundation of Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine” has been awarding the best students of Ukrainian institutes of higher education on the results of the preceding year for already seven years. At this, the priority is given to the technical specialties and various courses.

As the Rector of CIPU, Professor Fevzi Yakubov said, opening the solemn ceremony, the academic council of the university made a list of students who deserved this scholarship by the secret voting, recommended the best of the best to the Presidential Foundation “Ukraine”. Fevzi Yakubov also stressed that Leonid Kuchma is one of the honored guests of the university and he became one of the first honored doctors of CIPU. “Today, in many respects, due to Leonid Danilovich our university is recognizable and valued in Ukraine,”- Rector Yakubov noted.

Annually, fifty students from eight universities become the scholarship holders. The number of scholarships range from 5 to 10 per university. Five students of CIPU entered the list of the scholarship holders of Leonid Kuchma Foundation. Leonid Kuchma, the founder of the Foundation “Ukraine” personally presented them the awards. The scholarship holders told that they were going to spend the scholarship 10080 UAH mainly for their studies.

Leonid Kuchma, congratulating the students, noted that he appreciated the warm and sincere reception of the faculty and students of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University. “The active participation of the representatives of your university in the intellectual life of Ukraine tells about your merits – this is your big plus. Do not stop and strive for the better,” L.Kuchma said, addressing the students. Leonid Kuchma expressed his confidence that only brave representatives of the modern youth could break the stereotypes, existing in Ukrainian world-view today. “You must make the strong state of our country that will be respected in the world not for its geographical location, but for its contribution to the world,”- Mr. Kuchma underscored.

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev was personally invited by Leonid Kuchma to take part in the solemn ceremony of awarding of the talented youth of CIPU. The event was also attended by such honored guests as the Deputy Chairman of VR ARC Grigory Ioffe, deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of ARC – Minister of regional development and housing and communal services of ARC Aziz Abdullaev, acting Representative of the President of Ukraine in ARC Viktor Plakida, Chairman of the Constant Commission of VR ARC on the interethnic relations and problems of the deported persons, Deputy Chairman of Mejlis Remzi Ilyasov.

After the official awarding ceremony the artists of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University presented the guests of the university their best concert program, including the vocal and dancing performances of all peoples, living in the territory of the Crimean peninsular.