Leonid Kuchma: Authorities Must Understand that Crimean Tatars have Roots in Crimea, and Find Possibility to Support People in Any Situation

On September 12, 2012 the ceremony of awarding the talented students with the scholarships of the charitable organization “Foundation of the President Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine”” was held in Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University.
The founder of the foundation, the second President of Ukraine (1994-2005) Leonid Kuchma came to CIPU personally to award the students with the scholarships.
The ceremony was also attended by the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev, the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the AR Crimea Viktor Plakida, the Deputy Head of the Council of Ministers of ARC Aziz Abdullaev, the Deputy Chairman of Mejlis Remzi Ilyasov, the Deputy Head of Reskomnats of ARC Emine Avamileva, as well as the Deputy Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the AR Crimea Ibraim Mamutov.
The chancellor of CIPU Fevzi Yakubov expressed on behalf of the faculty and students of the university his hearty words of gratitude to the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma for his permanent support, provided to the university since its very foundation.
“Leonid Danilovich, I think that your name will be written in gold in the history of Ukraine. I can compete for love to you with any institute in Ukraine,- the chancellor of CIPU Fevzi Yakubov said. – I can guarantee that our institute love you most!”
After the opening speech of the chancellor of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University Fevzi Yakubov Leonid Kuchma was invited to the scene to award the students with the scholarships.
This year the scholarships were awarded to: Sevilya Ablaeva – student of the 3rd year of the department of Economics, Oleg Onischuk – student of the 5th year of the department of Economics, Nadzhiye Rustemova – student of the 3rd year of the department of Arts and Anife Karabiber – student of the 2nd year of the historical-philological department.
After the ceremonial part the artistic collectives of the Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University presented their bright concert program.
“Nextyearyouwillcelebrateyour 20thanniversary. If you will invite me I will come for sure,- Leonid Kuchma said. I think that Ukraine must be proud of such university”. In addition Leonid Kuchma informed that he is going to increase the number of scholarships for CIPU.
The ex-President of Ukraine also noted that while being the President of Ukraine he tried to solve all problems, including the ones of the deported Crimean Tatar people. “I understood perfectly well that at that period the people returned from all around the former Soviet Union – from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other republics of the former USSR. The highly professional, having the higher education, scientists and professors returned to their native land, however they didn’t know whom to give this knowledge. It was a real problem!”
“I wish that Crimean Tatars feel as they should in their Homeland. It’s the main thing. The authorities must understand that Crimean Tatars have roots here and one could find ways to support the people even in the hardest financial situation. When this understanding will come there will be much lesser problems,”- Leonid Kuchma underscored.