
Leader of Mejlis Met Ambassador of Malaysia to Ukraine

11 July 2011
Leader of Mejlis Met Ambassador of Malaysia to Ukraine

The Chairman of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev had business dinner with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Malaysia to Ukraine Chua Teong Bann on July 6 in Kyiv.

The Ambassador expressed his regret that he couldn’t meet the Chairman of Mejlis during his recent visit to Crimea due to his absence in Crimea, and told about his meeting with the Head of Religious Board of Crimean Muslims Hadji Emirali Ablaev. The Ambassador of Malaysia asked the leader of Mejlis to explain him who is Mr. Veliev Ruslan who is seeking to meet with him (diplomat) in Kyiv, and who also called himself the chief Mufti of Crimean Muslims. The Chairman of Mejlis in his turn provided the Ambassador with detailed and objective information about the current situation of Muslim communities and organizations in Ukraine.

The possibility of Ukraine’s participation in the work of the Organization Islamic Conference (OIC) as an observer was also discussed. The Ambassador expressed his confidence that undoubtedly it would be in the interests of Ukraine if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine will apply with such request and Malaysia, as one of the members of OIC, would certainly support it.

The parties also raised the question of possibility of participation of Crimean Tatar entrepreneurs in an exhibition of goods “Khalyal” (that is the goods produced in accordance with Islamic canons), held annually in Malaysia.