Kezlev Hosted Charitable Evening in Support of Gravely Sick Children

02 June 2011
Kezlev Hosted Charitable Evening in Support of Gravely Sick Children

June 1, 2011 the charitable evening titled “Hands Providing Assistance Come First Praying Mouths” supporting three onco-sick Crimean children was held in the ethnic restaurant “Jeval” in Kezlev (Eupatoria). The organizer of the event, timed to the International Day of Protection of Children was Cultural – Ethnographic Center “Odun-Bazar Qapusy”, Kezlev.

“The goal of this event was a sincere wish to help onco-sick children and propose to give a helpful hand to all concerned of children’s problems,” – director of “Jeval” restaurant Dilyara Yakubova told QHA.

The event was attended by such honored guests as the President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov, Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers – Minister of Regional Development and Housing and Communal Services of Crimea Aziz Abdullaev, Minister of Social Policy of ARC Elena Semichasnaya, the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea Vladimir Yatsuba, Mayor of Kezlev Andrey Danilenko, Head of Bakhchisaray regional state administration Ilmi Umerov, Crimean political scientist Alexander Formanchuk, historians Gulnara Bekirova and Oleksa Hayvoronsky.

The evening also exhibited the works of such craftsmen as Rustem Skibin, Tamara Kluchkina, Ramiz Netovkin and others, as well as the pupils of municipal art school. Moreover, the young designer Khalide Chilingirova made her contribution to the charitable evening donating her collection of handcrafts made of felt, titled “Magic of Felt”. Every participant could purchase the items, thus making his/her contribution to gathering funds for treatment of gravely sick children.

According to Mrs. Yakubova, the charitable evening gathered around 40000 UAH that were shared among the parents of the onco-sick children: one-year-old Darina from Kezlev who has retinoblastoma (malignant tumor of both eyes); Yusup Suleymanov from Kezlev who has tumor of lymphatic system and Amina Kurtvelieva – eight-year-old girl from Saki region who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

“For us it was critical to hold this evening in the form of charity, instead of auction,” – told Mrs. Yakubova.

Director of “Jeval” restaurant Dilyara Yakubova expressed her special gratitude to singer Aliye, designer Khalide Chilingirova, ensemble “Khaytarma”, craftsmen – Rustem Skibin, Tamara Kluchkina, Ramiz Netovkin who have kindly agreed to take part and donate to the charitable evening.

This news was contributed by QHA and Odun-Bazar