Jemilev: Mogilev Broke Up Crimean Tatars in 2007 and Justified Stalin’s Deportation

22 March 2013
Jemilev: Mogilev Broke Up Crimean Tatars in 2007 and Justified Stalin’s Deportation

The Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev stated on TVi that Crimean Tatar could react ambiguously on Anatoly Mogilev’s speech on May 18, 2013.

“Mogilev took part in the routs against Crimean Tatars on November 2007 when the unarmed people were shot at. The criminal case was even instituted against him, but then it was closed as one of his close people was appointed the Prime Minister,”- Mustafa Jemilev said. – After these events Mogilev wrote the article, titled: “Crimea in the Way of Kosovo” where he states clearly that there is a shameful page in the history of the Crimean Tatar people – mass betrayal. In other words, Mogilev fully justified the deportation of Crimean Tatars. He said that Stalin did the right thing when exiled Crimean Tatars, as one couldn’t leave the real enemies in the rear. Now on May 18 Mogilev is going to come and speak before the mourning meeting, numbering 30 thousand people. That is why we don’t know how people could react”.