International Conference of Teachers of Turkic World was Held in Turkey

The International Conference of the workers of education, united in the Eurasian Federation was held April 23 to 26, 2012 in one of the most picturesque tourists’ attractions of Turkey – Kızılcahamamtown, famous for its pinery and thermal springs.
The Conference was attended by the representatives of various organizations of workers of education of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Kosovo, North Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Crimea, Rumania, Iraq and Macedonia. Crimea was represented by the Head of the Department of Education and Culture of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Chairwoman of the Association of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi”, Safure Kadzhametova and member of the Board of the Association “Maarifchi”, Zure Pinka.
The workers of education of Turkic world discussed the following issues:
– concrete measures on strengthening of the mutual relations;
– strengthening of the integration of the problems of education in Turkic world and achieving of the partner goals;
– determination of the national methods and interchange of working experience, etc in the framework of these agreements.

The Conference of the international federation of the workers of education “Auraasia” heard the summary reports of the Chairman of the Federation Shuaip Ozdzhan and Chairman of the Revision Commission of the Federation Yashar Yanycharoglu.

In the result of the open voting Shuaip Ozdzhan and Yashar Yanycharoglu remained at their positions for the next 2012-2016 period. The members of the international federation of the workers of education “Auraasia” also signed the Declaration for this period.
Reference:The International Federation of the workers of education “Auraasia” was founded on June 22, 2001 on the initiative of the workers of education of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Crimea, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan who ratified the first agreement as its founders. In 2005 the Federation was recognized as the International Association, and in 2008 it received the status of the International Federation.