
International Conference “Crimean Khanate and Rumania – 15-18 Centuries” in Bakhchisaray

02 May 2011
International Conference “Crimean Khanate and Rumania – 15-18 Centuries” in Bakhchisaray

On May 1, 2011 the House Museum of Ismail Gasprinsky in Bakhchisaray housed the International scientific conference “Crimean Khanate and Rumania – 15-18 centuries”, dedicated to the historic ties between Crimean Khanate and Rumanian principalities: Walachia, Moldavian principality and Transylvania.

The President of the World Crimean Tatar Congress, first deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov stated, opening the conference, that the main goal of the conference is “discussion of the possibility to establish a firm scientific ground in the framework of which Ukrainian and Rumanian historians could interact both in studying of the historical relations between Crimea and Rumania and questions of modern development of Ukraine and Rumania”. Refat Chubarov explained the necessity and importance of such constant interaction also by the fact that “Rumania has quite numerous Crimean Tatar diaspora that after return of Crimean Tatar people to its native land – Crimea and after Rumania became a member of the European Union received new impulses and possibilities for preservation of its distinctiveness and further development”.

Director of the Institute of Turkish and Central-Asian Studies (ITCAS) Babeş-Bolyai University, ex-ambassador of Rumania to the Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of Turkmenistan, professor Tasin Jemil who spoke with greeting word on behalf of his colleagues expressed hope that the mutual co-operation between Crimean and Romanian scientists in studying if the historical relations between Crimea and Rumania will promote cooperation between historians of other countries, including Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Turkey whose historical development was closely linked with the history of Crimea. “I think it is important that we could meet our colleagues from these countries at symposiums, and exchange the results of our studies and make them public” – concluded professor Tasin Jemil.

The participants of the conference shown big interest in the following reports: “Stephan the Great and Bakhchisaray Khan Palace” (prof., Dr. Tasin Jemil), “Brief introduction into the historiography of relations between Crimea and Rumanian principalities” (Dr. Serdzhan Osman), “Crimean perception of the conflict in Chechnya, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Role of Tatars” (Dr. Marius-Gerald Epure), “Kafa in relations between Tatars and Genoeses in the 15 – 16 centuries” (prof. Virgil Chokyltan), “Crimean Khanate and Silistra sanjak in Osman military campaigns in Rumanian territories” (Dr. Anka Popesku), “The last Tatar military campaign to Transylvania. Modern evidences” (prof. Kelyn Felezeu), “The moments from Rumanian – Tatar relationships in the 13th century” (Veniamin Chobanu), Russian diplomatic sources about Crimean Khanate. 1703-1706” (prof. Adrian Tertecheli), “Creation of the negative image – image of Tatars in the works of Iyoan Nekulche, Moldavian – Rumanian chronicler of the 16-17 centuries” (Dr. Adina Fodor), “The relations between Crimean Khanate and Transylvanian principality in Transylvanian chronicles in the 16-17 centuries” (Dr. Margarita Rakita-Aslan), “Green Island”: Crimea in Dobruja Tatar literature of the first half of the 20th century” (MA Omer Metin), “Circulation of Crimean coins in the Lower Danube region” (prof. Evgen Nivolae), “The current geopolitical context” (Visile Simileanu) and others.

A great interest of all present raised the report of the director of the Museum of history and culture of Crimean Tatars of Bakhchisaray State historical – cultural reserve Server Ebubekir “Toponymy as material on ethnic history of Crimea”. Scientists of Crimean Industrial Pedagogical University – dean of psychological – pedagogical department, PhD Rustem Tokmegy, associate professor, lecturer of Crimean Tatar literature Nariman Abdulvaapov, PhD in History, dean of historical – philological department Eldar Seydametov, workers of CIPU Research Center of Crimean Tatar language and literature Enver Ozenbashly, Timur Kurshutov, Ediye Ametova, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences Enise Abibulaeva, historian Gulnara Abdullaeva also participated in the discussion.

The delegation from Rumania was represented by the Director of Institute of Turkish and Central-Asian Studies (ITCAS) Babeş-Bolyai University, ex-ambassador of Rumania to the Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of Turkmenistan, professor Tasin Jemil. The delegation included Dr. Veniamin Chobanu – chief scientific researcher of the Institute of History «A.D.Xenopol» of the Academy of Sciences of Rumania (Yassy), professor Dr. Virgil Chokyltan – chief scientific researcher of the Institute of History named after Nicolay Iorg of the Academy of Sciences of Rumania (Bucharest), professor Kelyn Felezeu – dean of the department of psychological and pedagogical studies, Babeş-Bolyai University (Kluzh-Napoka), professor Evgen Nicolae – deputy director of the National Archeological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of Rumania (Bucharest), professor Adrian Tertecheli – Institute of History named after Nicolay Iorg of the Academy of Sciences of Rumania (Bucharest), Vasile Simileanu – publicist, director of journal «GEOPOLITIKA» (Bucharest), associate professor Bekov Karoli – dean of the department of history-philosophy of Babeş-Bolyai University (Kluzh-Napoka), Dr. Virgil Koman – director of the branch of the National Archive of Rumania in Constantia, Dr. Stoyka Lasku – associate professor of University of “Ovidius” (Constantia), Dr. Anka Popesku – scientific worker of the Institute of History named after Nicolay Iorg of the Academy of Sciences of Rumania (Bucharest), Dr. Marius-Gerald Epure – representative of city hall of Constantia, Dr. Margarita Rakita-Aslan – employee of the Institute of Turkish and Central-Asian Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University (Kluzh-Napoka), Dr. Adina Fodor – scientist secretary of the Institute of Turkish and Central-Asian Studies Babeş-Bolyai University (Kluzh-Napoka), Dr. Serjan Osman – official of the European Union (Brussels), Dr. Naji Pianaru – scientific worker of Institute of History named after Nicolay Iorg of the Academy of Sciences of Rumania (Bucharest), Omer Metin – MA, University of “Ovidius” (Constantia), Aygul Janybay – MA, University of “Ovidius” (Constantia).

The work of the conference was also attended by the deputy chairman of Democratic Union of Muslims Turk – Tatars (RMTTDB) Samir Minan, editor of journal “KARADEÑİZ” Osman Nikhat, head of Public Relations department of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Shevket Kaybullaev and the head of Foreign relations department of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Ali Khamzin and the director of Home museum of Ismail Gasprinsky Yakub Appazov.
In the framework of the cultural program of the International conference the participants from Rumania visited Yalta, Khan Palace, Zincirli Madrasah, mediaeval town-fortress Mangup-Kale, located in Bakhchisaray region, Genoese fortress in Kefe (Feodosia) and Sudak.

Moreover, the guests from Rumania visited the site of construction of Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque) on 22 Yaltinskaya Street in Simferopol, where they made a picture near the memorial stone.

The organizer of the carrying out of the International conference in Bakhchisaray “Crimean Khanate and Rumania in the 15-18 centuries” was the World Crimean Tatar Congress with support of the Democratic Union of Muslims Turk – Tatars (RMTTDB) and Institute of Turkish and Central-Asian Studies (ITCAS) Babeş-Bolyai University.

Press service of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People