
Independent Expert Research on Forming of New Composition of Qurultay and Mejlis Will Be Held on the Eve of 1st Session of Qurultay of 6th Convocation

06 September 2013
Independent Expert Research on Forming of New Composition of Qurultay and Mejlis Will Be Held on the Eve of 1st Session of Qurultay of 6th Convocation

In September – October 2013, on the eve of the opening of the first session of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People of the 6th convocation, CO “Foundation for Development of Crimea” along with the Research Сenter “SPHERA” will hold the independent expert research on the formation of the new composition of the bodies of the national self-governance of Crimean Tatars – the Mejlis and Qurultay.

According to the press service of the Foundation, in the framework of the research the questions will be suggested to the experts and the answers to these questions could let us understand to the fullest extent the current situation that was formed after the large-scale elections of the delegates of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People and that precedes its first session.

“According to the experts-sociologists and analysts of IC “SPHERA”, the detailed expert research is the wide spread world practice and sets the positive example of the openness of the public institutes. The results of the independent research will also lay the foundation for further work with the bodies of the national self-governance of Crimean Tatars. Its goal is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of the work related to the restoration of the rights of the formerly deported persons, their integration to the Ukrainian society and their involvement in the solution of the topical issues of the international assistance,”- the official of the press service underscored.

In his turn, the CEO of the Foundation for Development of Crimea Mr Alexei Skorik has commented on conducting the independent expert research: “since the very first days of its foundation our Foundation set a goal before us to assist in building of the open and conflict-free society. One of the main conditions for this is understanding of the real internal processes that occur in it, grading of the elements of animosity related to the mutual ignorance and opposition, as well as the strengthening of the role of the civil society in the political system of our country. To our deepest opinion, the work of the independent professional sociologists that could make the in-depth study of quite topical today’s issue of forming the new composition of the Qurultay and Mejlis will let the whole Crimean Tatar people obtain the unbiased and clear picture of how the formerly deported Crimean Tatar people build their own system of self-governance, and probably, ease the excessive tension of suppositions and fears provoked by this process. The modest role of our Foundation in this process is only to initiate and conduct this independent research”.