
In Fact Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Stopped Its Existence as Representative Body Elected by All Crimean Residents

12 December 2013
In Fact Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Stopped Its Existence as Representative Body Elected by All Crimean Residents

The Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mr Refat Chubarov said this in his interview to ATR TV channel commenting on the video address of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea broadcasted on December 11, 2013.

“The Verkhovna Rada of Crimea is the extension of the ruling party – Party of Regions and the last statement that was broadcasted for the Crimean population raised Homeric laughter not only in Crimea, but to my opinion in the whole Russian speaking world…”- Mr Chubarov said. At this he added that at the same time one couldn’t help seeing certain danger behind the laughter that such statement bare.

To his opinion the danger is that 13 people – members of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea headed by the Speaker of the VR ARC Mr Konstantinov “openly proclaimed themselves the defenders of one (!) ethnic group and openly ignored the interests of all other residents of Crimea. And it doesn’t matter that it were them who invented this threat…”

There is no need to defend Crimea from any manifestations of the political crisis in Ukraine. Those who should deal with the crisis will do this, The President of Ukraine, opposition and more influential politicians then those in the VR ACR will do this,”- Mr Chubarov believes.

The Chairman of the Mejlis, Head of the parliamentary faction “Qurultay-Rukh” in VR ACR advised the leaders of the Crimean Parliament to solve the current problems of Crimean residents – peoples belonging to different nationalities. “But they fail to do this, that is why they make such statements that could raise nothing but pity to their authors”.