«If Ukraine Represents Itself an Independent State it Must Have an Independent and Autocephalous Church as Well. The Church that Must not be Subject to the Church of Another State», – Mustafa Jemilev

The broad celebration on occasion of the 50th anniversary of bishop’s consecration and 45th anniversary of the ministry at the Kyivan Cathedra of Patriarch Filaret of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukrainemade us ask the outstanding cultural, scientific and public figures of Ukraine (academicians, Heroes of Ukraine, writers and poets) to say some words about the Hierarch, to share ones memories and impressions.
Everyone confirmed once more that the national elite consider the Patriarch Filaret as the consummate spiritual leader of Ukrainian people, consistent patriot, and authoritative religious figure of all-Orthodox Christians.
It is very important that not only Orthodox people honor and sympathize with the Saint Filaret, but also Greek-Catholics and even Muslims.
“I can’t tell for sure when I had my first meeting with the Patriarch Filaret, but I am sure that I know him for a long time. It seems to me like I know him since he created the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyivan Patriarchatein 1992. We usually met at various ceremonial and diplomatic receptions where the leaders of all religious were invited as well. In June 2000 he even was my guest in Bakhchisaray. It was the time when under the direction of the then Speaker of the Crimean Parliament and the leader of Crimean communists Leonid Grach the so called “bending crosses” were installed all around Crimea, particularly on the roads and at the entrances to the towns and the banners with inscriptions “Crimea is the Cradle of Orthodoxy” were installed everywhere. The situation then was very tense, because such actions provoked the severe opposition of the Crimean Tatar people. There were quite serious clashes between Crimean Tatars and pro-Russian crowds, supporting this “christening of Crimea”. Of course, the local Russian-speaking Mass Media accused the Crimean Tatar people in everything, spreading around the words of the main Crimean “Orthodox Communist” Leonid Grach that we are fanatics, barbarians and extremists. According to the sociological surveys the threat of the inter-religious conflict in Crimea reached the critical point at that time.
As soon as the Patriarch Filaret arrived at Crimea he called this campaign the open political provocation that has nothing to do neither with the Orthodoxy, nor the Christianity in general. This in considerable degree eased the tension and of course increased the liking of the Crimean Tatar people to the Kyivan Patriarchate and the Patriarch Filaret personally.
In general, If Ukraine represents itself an independent state it must have an independent and autocephalous church as well. The Church that must not be subject to the church of another state, whose head agrees his actions with the President of the foreign state as well. Moreover, the President of another state regards the independence of Ukraine as a kind of ambiguity.
The legitimacy of the actions of the Patriarch Filaret on creation of the independent Orthodox Church in Ukraine is not only reasonable, but the only correct as well. He acts as a committed Christian and patriot of his own country. That is why the majority of the Crimean Tatar people and the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Crimea sympathize with the Kyivan Patriarchate, headed by the Patriarch Filaret.
I remember when the Interreligious Council titled “World – God’s Gift” was created in Crimea (where the pro-Russian moods are prevail) and this structure adopted the decision not to enroll the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyivan Patriarchate to Crimean Eparchy, the Spiritual Board of Muslims left this Council as well.
Thus, we have demonstrated the support of the Kyivan Patriarchate.
I am sure that the relations between our Spiritual Board of Muslims and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyivan Patriarchate, headed by the Patriarch Filaret will be strengthened in the future. And this will serve to the benefit of the whole country, and the stability in Crimea, in particular,” – the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev.
Source www.cerkva.info