«I Will Do My Best to Make Crimean Tatar Problem Most Important in World Human Rights Advocacy Community Again»,- Vladimir Bukovsky

“Our tragedy is that the Communist regime finished not the way we wanted. We would prefer that it ended up with the trial in Moscow over the criminal Communist regime. The trial that would condemned this bloody regime and revealed all its crimes once and for ever,”- one of the founders of the dissident movement in the USSR, political prisoner of the Soviet regime Vladimir Bukovsky said at the all-Crimean mourning meeting, timed to the 68th anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from their historical Homeland – Crimea.

The well-known human rights advocate Vladimir Bukovsky noted that today Crimean Tatars faces rather the question of their revival then their survival. But he was convinced that this process isn’t much easier.
“Your problem is symbolic for the peoples of the post-communist regime, – Vladimir Bukovsky said. Being deported you had to restore everything from the scratch, everything including your houses. Today some countries started forgetting the Crimean Tatar problem. Moreover there are statements that there is no such people. I’m happy to state the fact that such people is and I’ll do my best to make Crimean Tatar problem the most important in the world human rights advocacy community again. We will do what we didn’t have time to do in the 70-es – we will return you this land”.
He also expressed his strong believe that the Crimean Tatar people will revive.
“You know, the people that has preserved its historical memory and has such leader as our friend and team-mate Mustafa Jemilev will surely revive. Mustafa is your Vaclav Havel. Take care of him,”- Vladimir Bukovsky underscored.

Reference: On May 18, 2012 the all-Crimean mourning meeting, timed to the 68th anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from their historical Homeland – Crimea was held in Crimea, attended by more than 30 thousand people.