
«Foundation for Development of Crimea» Summoned up Results of Competition on Ismail Gasprinsky’s Life and Work

04 September 2013
«Foundation for Development of Crimea» Summoned up Results of Competition on Ismail Gasprinsky’s Life and Work

The charitable organization “Foundation for Development of Crimea” summoned up the results of the “Second annual competition of works dedicated to Ismail Gasprinsky’s life and work announced in spring 2013.

According to the press service of the Foundation, unfortunately many works didn’t comply with the topic of the competition, but taking into consideration their urgency the Board of the Foundation decided accepting the majority of these works. “All this considering, the Foundation made the decision to reduce the number of awards from six to three, but at the same time it increased the amount of the First award up to 5000 UAH, Second to 3000 UAH and the Third to 2000 UAH,” – the press service of the CO “Foundation for Development of Crimea” noted.

The following winners were selected after the examination of the applications:

First prize:

“Bakhchisaray Historical – Cultural Reserve” Ismail Gasprinsky Memorial Museum

for the exhibiting projects “Ismail Gasprinsky’s Office” and Bakhchisaray in pictures of the 19 – 20 centuries”, as well as the “Project of Revival of Ismail Gasprinsky’s estate”;

Second prize:

Gulnara Bekirova, candidate of the political science, senior lecturer of the chair of the history of the Historical – Philological Department of CIPU, the author and host of the TV program “Tarih Sedasi” (ATR TV Channel)

for a series of TV broadcasts in ATR TV Channel:

“I.Gasprinsky’s biographical landmarks”;

“Main world outlook principles and “damned questions” of time in the ideas of the great Crimean Tatar educator I.Gasprinsky”;

“Woman’s issue in Ismail Gasprinsky’s intellectual heritage”;

“Newspaper “Terjiman” to the anniversary of foundation”;

Third prize:

Andrei Ivanets, consultant of Crimean branch of the National SRI of Ukrainian studies and world history, member of T.Shevchenko Scientific Society.

for the historical- publicistic assay “Ukrainian – Crimean Tatar Union of the revolutionary time: unrealized alternative or mystery of the delegation of Muslims of Crimea to the Central Rada in July 1917”.

In addition, four awards were established 500 UAH each in order to promote the workers of the museums “La Riches” and “Ismail Gasprinsky’s Memorial Museum” in Bakhchisaray.