«Foundation for Development of Crimea» announced the competition for the best works, dedicated to Ismail Gasprinsky’s heritage

The Board of the Charitable Organization “Foundation for Development of Crimea” decided to hold the competition for the best works, dedicated to Ismail Gasprinsky’s heritage in the framework of the project “Crimean Heritage”.
The applications to be received in Russian, Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian and English languages. The theme of works is Ismail Gasprinsky’s heritage in the issues of interrelations between the cultures of Europe and Asia, co-existence of the various nationalities and religions.
Link to Crimean topic would be appreciated. The applications to be sent to e-mail of ”Foundations for Development of Crimea” along with the explanatory materials about the author in the optional form. The organizer sets no demands to the design or volume of works.
The deadline for applications: September 1, 2012. The best works to be awarded by “Foundation for Development of Crimea” (1st place – 4000 UAH, two 2nd places – 2000 UAH and two 3rd places – 1000 UAH) and will be published in the framework of the project “Crimean Heritage”. “The winners to beannounced and awarded on September 23, 2012”.
The Project “Crimean Heritage” is the key project of the Foundation for Development of Crimea. Its goal is to promote the humanitarian heritage of the great thinkers and public figures of the past century whose activity is in some respect related to Crimea or represents value for its development – Ismail Gasprinsky, Peter Grigorenko and Andrei Sakharov.
These three men with their activity determined considerably the direction of the humanitarian development of Crimea and the whole Ukraine, Europe and Asia. One could say with confidence that their heritage is the basis for the forming of the stable and peaceful Crimean community that is able to generate the internal Crimea ideas and integral ideas for the whole region. The project “Crimean Heritage” calls to think about what world we will leave to our descendants and helps to start forming it on the basis of the great heritage of our predecessors.