Farewell, Our Dear Refat Aga!

On March 2, 2012 the active participant of the National movement, delegate of the 2nd and 4th Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people (1991-2007), Head of the Department of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people on the revival of the native language, culture and religion, member of the Revision Commission of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people in 1996-2007, the famous historian and expert in local history Refat Qurtiev passed away.
We’ve lost a real patriot, a brilliant expert in history of Crimean Tatars who used his knowledge for the benefit of his people.
Refat aga was born in 1925 in Simferopol. His childhood and youth fell on the hardest years of the bloodiest war. Being a young man he went to war, attended training and served as a commander of the armored units.
Refit Qurtiev remained in the Army, finished the military academy and held the leading positions that didn’t prevent him from providing various assistance to his nationals and relatives in deportation. R.Qurtiev resigned in the rank of a colonel, and then started the civil service.
Being in the army in 1950-60 he was very interested in the history, gathered material and studied the past of Crimean Tatars. The comprehensive and deep knowledge of history let him unmask the insinuation of pseudo-historians towards the whole Crimean Tatar people.
Refit aga also studied the life and traditions of pre-Islamic period of Crimean Tatars and became soon the most competent scientist in the field of their way of life, customs and traditions.
Refat aga gave a lot of energy and efforts to studying of the biggest tragedy – Deportation of the Crimean Tatar people. He became a member of the Commission on studying of the genocide of Crimean Tatars established by Qurultay. He was in charge of publication of three volumes of the collection “Deportation of Crimean Tatars. How It Was”.
For the last 20 years Refat aga was an active participant of the Committee on preparation and carrying out of the mourning meeting of May 18. He has attended every event, related to the Crimean Tatar people. He enjoyed a great authority and honor of his nationals.
Refat Qurtiev will always remain in our grateful memory.
We express our sincere and deep condolences to his wife Leylya apte, children, grandchildren and friends.
Allah rahmet eylesin!
Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people
and members of the Revision Commission of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people