Enver Mamutdinov Was Elected Head of Aqyar Regional Mejlis

24 November 2012
Enver Mamutdinov Was Elected Head of Aqyar Regional Mejlis

November 24, 2012 the Regional Conference of Crimean Tatars was held in Aqyar (Sevastopol) region.

The Conference was attended by 36 of 38 members of local mejlises, elected on October 20, 2012.

In compliance with the Regulations on the local bodies of the national self-governance of the Crimean Tatar people the Conference was chaired by the Head of the Commission on the preparation and organization of the elections of the local mejlises Refat Chubarov.

The Conference was also attended by the acting Head of the Revision Commission of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people Qurtseit Abdullaev, members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Ali Hamzin and Zair Smedlyaev, Head of the Department of the internal policy and PR of the City Hall of Sevastopol Malikov V.V. and members of the local territorial elections commissions on the elections of the members of local mejlises.

Ajii Lutfi – aga read prayer and blessed the work of the Conference.

After that the delegates of the Conference and the invited guests honored the victims of the Holodomor and political repressions with a minute of silence.

The agenda consisted of the items of the elections of the Head of Aqyar Regional Mejlis and forming the composition of the regional Mejlis.

The following candidates were proposed to the position of the Head of the Regional Mejlis: Talyat Suleimanov, Enver Mamutdinov, Ablyamit Izmailov and Lemara Qaibullaeva.

Talyat Suleimanov and Ablyamit Izmailov recused themselves. The bulletins of the secret voting included the candidates Enver Mamutov and Lemara Qaibullaeva. In the result of the secret ballot Enver Mamutdinov was elected the Head of Aqyar Regional Mejlis with the majority of votes.

Proposed by the newly elected Head of Aqyar Regional Mejlis Diana Asanova and Talyat Suleimanov were included into the composition of the Regional Mejlis apart from the heads of local mejlises.

Right after the completion of the Conference there was the meeting of the Regional Mejlis where the members of the Regional Mejlis elected the Deputy Head and the Secretary of the Regional Mejlis. Talyat Suleimanov and Ablyamit Izmailov were elected the Deputy Head and the Secretary of Aqyar Regional Mejlis respectively.

The members of the Regional Mejlis decided to consider and adopt the plan of work of the Regional Mejlis on its nearest meeting.

Reference:  Enver Mamutdinov, born on August 21, 1975 in Tashkent region.

In 2006 he graduated from the dept. of Economics and Management of the Sevastopol National Technical University.

Married, has four children,lives in Ternovka village.