Duty of Present Generation of Crimean Tatars is to Preserve Name of Everyone who Remained with One’s People During Hard and Dangerous Years

On December 15, 2012 the concert, commemorating the 95th anniversary of Fazil Ametov’s birth was held in Ukrainian Academic Musical Theatre in Simferopol.
The organizers of the concert were the Development Foundation “Zekkie”, Crimean Tatar newspaper “Yan’y Dun’ya”, first independent Crimean Tatar TV channel “ATR” and Crimean Tatar radio “Meydan”. The main initiators of the memorable event became Fazil Ametov’s daughter and grandson – Emine Volodarskaya and Amet Volodarsky.
In the framework of the event the honored journalist of ARC Sevil Alyadinova, working in ATR TV channel presented the documentary film about Fazil Ametov’s life and activity.
Fazil Ametov’s daughter Emine Volodarskaya shared her recollections about her father’s life with the guests.
“My father devoted all his life to the revival of the national idea and culture, brought up his four children to be patriots and love their homeland,”- Emine Volodarskaya said.
The Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev spoke at the concert, commemorating the 95th anniversary of Fazil Ametov’s birth and noted that despite the severest Soviet regime the participants of the Crimean Tatar national movement carried the active fight for the return to the historical Homeland in the hardest and most dangerous conditions.
“Today, due to the courage, patriotism and active work of the participants of the national movement our people returned to its Homeland,”- M.Jemilev continued and noted with regret that many of them never returned to Crimea and were buried abroad.
At the same time, according to Mustafa Jemilev there were not only heroes and patriots in the national movement who were ready to give their lives for the restoration of justice, but also ill-willed nationals who helped the security service “to prison our nationals, becoming traitors, informers and squealers”. Some of them, already being in Crimea are active even today: “they give interviews, teach us and hamper the work of the bodies of the national self-governance,”- the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people underscored.
However, there were persons among the participants of the Crimean Tatar national movement whose names were not showed up too much due to the known reasons, though they did their best to help their people in their fight for the return to their Homeland. The duty of the present generation of Crimean Tatars is to preserve the name of everyone who remained with its people during the hard and dangerous years.

“Today we gathered together to commemorate the person whose name wasn’t mentioned in the informations or meetings of Crimean Tatars, but who holding high positions in state structures of the Soviet authorities as tens other our nationals didn’t forget about one’s national belonging and sometimes taking much risk did one’s best to assist and help to solve many issues of the national Crimean Tatar movement,”- Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev underscored and added that “Fazil Ametov is one of the respected our nationals whose mane shouldn’t be forgotten”.
The participants and guests of the concert, commemorating the 95th anniversary of Fazil Ametov’s birth, arriving from various Crimean regions enjoyed performances of folklore ensemble of ATR TV channel, Crimean Tatar singing and dancing ensemble “Haytarma”, Crimean Tatar folklore ensemble “Qirim”, military orchestra of the Board of Crimean territorial command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea, the Honored Artist of Ukraine Femi Mustafaev, the Honored Artist of ARC Dilyaver Osmanov, the Honored Artiste of Ukraine Elzara Batalova, the Honored Artiste of ARC Gulizar Bekirova, the Honored Artiste of ARC Uriane Kenzhikaeva, the Honored Artist of ARC Rustem Memetov, Alie, the Honored Art Worker of Crimea, Crimean Tatar writer Riza Fazil, the Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, poet Riza Yusuf.