Dernek of Bursa Will Build New Mosque in Islyam Terek Region

11 December 2013
Dernek of Bursa Will Build New Mosque in Islyam Terek Region

On December 11, 2013, the ground-breaking ceremony of the mosque was held in Kulech Mechit village (Novopokrovka) Kirovsky region.

The construction of the mosque will be financed by the Association of culture and mutual assistance of the Crimean Tatars of Bursa (Turkey).

Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mr Aider Ismailov, Vice Mufti of Muslims of Crimea, Mr Adnan Suyen, Chairman of the Association of culture and mutual assistance of the Crimean Tatars of Bursa, Mr Ekrem Abdulvapov, Chairman of Islyam Terek Regional Mejlis, Mr Nariman Koroglu, Imam of Islyam Terek region, Mr Emirulla Emirveliev, Imam of Kulech Mechit village, members of the regional and local mejlises, local residents took part in the event.

Mr Emirulla Emirveliev,Imam of Kulech Mechit villagestarted the ground-breaking ceremony started with dua.

Mr Aider Ismailov, Vice Mufti of Muslims of Crimea greeted all the present on behalf of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Crimea and mufti of Muslims of Crimea hajji Emirali Ablaev. He thanked the Association of culture and mutual assistance of the Crimean Tatars of Bursa represented by its head Mr Adnan Suyen for the good deed of building the mosque and expressed his hope that such initiative will start its implementation also in other Crimean regions where the Muslims also need mosques.

In his turn Mr Adnan Suyen informed the community that in compliance with the plan the mosque of Kulech Mechit village also provides for the construction of imam’s house and the premises for learning the basis of Islam and Koran reading.

During his speech Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People called the local residents to support the construction of the mosque and bring their children here and promote a love to Islam in them.

Before the ground-breaking ceremony the ceremony of offering sacrifices was held. The event finished with reading dua that was read by vice Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Mr Aider Ismailov.