Delegation of IKTU Named After Khodzha Amet Yasavi in Crimea

05 July 2011
Delegation of IKTU Named After Khodzha Amet Yasavi in Crimea

On July 4, 2011 the delegation of the International Kazakh – Turkish University named after Khodzha Akhmet Aysavi represented by the Head of the Department of International Relations Sauranbek Zhamalbekov and the dean of the Preparatory Department, PhD Nursaulet Aytbaeva visited Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people.

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine received the guests. The delegation was accompanied by the Head of the Department of culture and education of Mejlis, the Chairwoman of Association “Maarifchi”, member of the VR ARC Safure Kadzhametova.

Sauranbek Zhamalbekov told about the goal of their visit and informed about the proposition of the President of IKTU professor L.T.Tashimov on cooperation in the field of education and training of the national specialists and ratification of the corresponding agreement.

Since 2003 IKTU allocates quotas for Turkic-speaking peoples to receive education at the university, pays scholarships $150 per month, provides places in the dorm, as well as reimburses transportation expenses (round trip – train, buss) once per year and renders assistance in the social and medical care of the students.

In 2011 IKTU adopted a decision on allocation of scholarships to brotherly Crimean Tatar and Gagauz peoples – 5 quotas per each people in order assist them in preparation of the national specialists.

Mustafa Jemilev asked questions on specialties, employment in science, and university’s relations with other republics and thanked sincerely the guests for the humanitarian assistance in the field of education. The parties signed an agreement between IKTU and Association of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi” on cooperation in training of specialists among the Crimean Tatar youth, citizens of Ukraine.


On September 26, 2001 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of Ukraine ratified an Agreement on mutual acceptance and equivalence of documents on education and scientific degrees and academic ranks.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbaev #329 of June 3, 1991 established the Turkistan State University that was named after the great philosopher and scientist of the Turkish world Khodzha Akhmet Yasavi. On October 31, 1992 the International Kazakh – Turkish University was founded in accordance with the Enter-Governmental Agreement between the Turkish Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan that became the first international educational establishment not only in Kazakhstan, but in Asia.

The representatives of various Turkic-speaking countries and communities study at the University. Today the university numbers 14649 students. The number of students from Turkic-speaking countries comprises 1000.

The IKTU’s faculty has high level of scientific training: 6 academics of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 116 professors, PhD, 618 associate professors and candidates of science. The uniqueness of the university lies in training of specialists in health care, international relations, public administration, sociology, ecology, archeology, ethnology, tourism, actor, vocal, decorativeart, choreography, traditional ethnic music, etc.

University has four institutes:

  • Scientific-research institute of Turkic languages;
  • Scientific-research institute of ecology;
  • Scientific-research institute of archeology and ethnology;
  • Medicalinstitute.

Medical institute has the following departments: general medicine, pediatry, stomatology and oriental medicine. There is also a hospital for 90 places with modern equipment that functions on the base of the Medical institute.

The university has high level of material-technical base.

The scientific laboratories are equipped with modern appliances and devices, special computer classes and 10 Mbit/sec Internet. The university has a system of distant education. There are scholarships for university’s graduates wishing to continue their studies abroad.