«Day of Crimean Tatar National Journalism Must Be Celebrated Generally at Official Level,»- Bekir Mamutov

10 April 2012
«Day of Crimean Tatar National Journalism Must Be Celebrated Generally at Official Level,»- Bekir Mamutov

April 10 is a significant day not only for Crimean Tatars, but for all Turkic and Muslim world of the post-Soviet territory. This day in 1883 the first issue of the newspaper “Terjiman” (“Translator”) was published.

Recent years Ismail Gasprinsky Memorial Museum in Bakhchisaray has been holding meetings of Crimean Tatar journalists and publishers. One of such meetings adopted the decision to celebrate the Day of Crimean Tatar National Journalism annually on April 10.

Bekir Mamutov, Chief-editor of newspaper “Qirim”, member of the Presidium of Mejlis told about the events planned, and adoption of the date April 10 as the Day of Crimean Tatar National Journalism on the eve of the next meeting.

 “As is known, on the day of the fist issue of “Terjiman”, founded and edited by Ismail Gasprinsky for more than 30 years, Mr. Mamutov told, Crimean Tatar journalists, publishers, writers gather traditionally in his house (today his museum) where our outstanding educator made his famous newspaper”.

It’s a common knowledge, that “Terjiman” played a great role in the revival of Turkic speaking peoples, living in the territory of the Russian Empire. However, the newspaper expanded far beyond its territory up to Calcutta – the territory of British India at that time. I’d like to note that the first nationally-oriented newspaper (in Uzbekistan) appeared only in a quarter of a century after 1883.

“Two years ago on one of such meetings, its participants proposed to consider April 10 the Day of Crimean Tatar National Journalism. In 2011 this idea was approved, – Bekir Mamutov continued. – The corresponding draft resolution to be prepared by the next session of the 5th Qurultay to adopt this date by the decision of the supreme elective body of the Crimean Tatar people. This, more than an outstanding, one could even say epochal, day must be celebrated generally at official level”.

One of the initiators of the meetings of Crimean Tatar journalists in Bakhchisaray also noted that this day obliges the experienced journalists of the national Mass Media to much – first of all, it is promotion to the unity of the young generation in its aspiration to meet the modern challenges and combine modern information technologies with the best that our traditions embody in this field.

“I’d like to thank the Head of I.Gasprinsky museum, Yakub Appazov,- the Chief-editor of newspaper “Qirim” added, – he enthusiastically prepares to this event as the host and will receive us warmly and make all his best to let us speak sincerely and effectively to each other”.

In conclusion of our talk Bekir Mamutov noted that due to employment of the journalists this year the meeting will take place on April 14, Saturday instead of April 10, letting all the journalists to take part in our “party”.